Title Chlorella의 호흡 및 광합성에 미치는 IAA와 GA의 길항작용
Author 채인기 · 정영숙 · 이영녹 *
Address 이화여자대학교 문리과대학 생물학과; * 고려대학 이공대학 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 12(4),188-193, 1974
Key Words Antagonistic effects on respiration and photosynthesis of chlorella cells treated with GA and IAA
Abstract Effects of GA and IAA on the respiratory and photosynthetic activity of each growth stage during the synchronous culture of Chlorella ellipsodiea, were investigated. 1) GA (2 × 10^-8M) affected most insignificantly on the respiratory activity of the stages Dn, Da, L₁, L₂, L₃-cells but only at L₄-cells treated with IAA(10^-3M) were promoted and L₃, L₄-cells were suppressed. With the treatment of GA-IAA the effects on respiration of each stage cells were antagonistic. 2) Photosynthetic activity treated with GA during the each stage of Chlorella cells was promoted and IAA treated-cell were suppressed. The effect of GA-IAA upon the process of life cycle was also antagonistic. 3) It was revealed that respiratory and photosynthetic activity of Chlorella cells by the treatment of GA(2 × 10^-8M) and IAA(10^-3M) had antagonistic effects.
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