Title 전리방사선을 이용한 의료제품 멸균연구
Author 민봉희 · 천기정 · 이강순
Address 한국원자력연구소 방사선 생물학연구실
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 11(4),181-188, 1973
Key Words Radiosterilization of medical products
Abstract For the bulk sterilization, there are two traditional methods of autoclaving and exposure to ethylene oxide. However, autoclaving involves high temperatures and pressures and ethylene oxide is chemically highly reactive, so these methods are radiation, we have carried out sterility and safety tests on some medical products irradiated at varying radiation levels. The results obtained were as follows ; 1) The minimum dose of radiation for the sterilization of medical products was 2.5 Mrad. 2) The radiosterilization dose varied depending on the initial population of microorganisms. 3) In transfusion sets, a level of radiation of 2.5Mrad at room temperature produced no pyrogen and they remained bacteriologically sterile.
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