Title Methylene Blue에 의한 guanine의 광분해 현상
Author 홍순우 · 변후현
Address 서울대학교 문리과대학 식물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 10(1),35-40, 1972
Key Words Methylene blue-catalyzed photodecomposition of guanine
Abstract 1) The photodecomposition rate of guanine being catalized by methylene blue was 53.7% in contrast with 9.3% that of dark control for 180 min. 2) In guanine control, the decomposition rate was very low. For 180 min., the rate was 8.1% in illuminated sample and 3.9% in non-illuminated sample. 3) The decomposition rate of methylene blue was obviously interfered by the existence of guanine. In guanine and methylene blue mixture solution, the net decomposition rate, excluding that of dark control was 39.2% and in dye only solution, it was 48.5%.
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