Title Chlorella의 생리에 미치는 Indole acetic acid의 영향
Author 채인기
Address 이화여자대학교 문리과대학 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 10(3),117-127, 1972
Key Words 영향 Physiological effects of indole acetic acid (IAA) on chlorella ellipsoidea
Abstract To study the effect of IAA on the growth of Chlorella, the alage were cultured on the media for six days by bubbling Co₂enriched air under 10K lux at 20-25℃. The culture media were made by adding a concentration of 10^-3 M, 10^-4 M, and 0M(as a control) IAA to the standard media. During the period of culture, Chlorella was sampled for the given time of interval and photosynthetic and respiratory activities were measured by Warburg manometer and change of chemical components of Chlorella was determined by spectrophotometry after the Chlorella cell was fractionated by Schmidt-Thannhauser method. 1) Photosynthetic and respiratory activities were enhanced by IAA ; especially the enhancement of respiratory activity was so remarkable. 2) As to the chemical components of Chlorella, carbohydrates and amino acids were reduced a little but phosphate, RNA, DNA, and protein were increased by 10^-3 M IAA ; the increase of RNA, in particular, was noticable. 3) The above results suggest that the enhancement of growth of Chlorella, by IAA and ATP induced by respiratory activity accelerated with IAA enhanced RNA synthesis, resulting in an increase of protein synthesis.
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