Title 각종 실품중의 유독성 진균에 관한 연구 3
Author 고춘명 · 최태주 · 류준
Address 연세대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 10(4),191-194, 1972
Key Words Studies on the Population of Toxigenic Fungi in Foodstuffs (III); A Microscopic Study on Fungus Penetration into Rice Grains
Abstract There were observed the host-parasite relationship between rice grains and contaminating fungi indicated by the fungal penetration degree in the tested rices. The results were as follows ; 1. The fungal penetration could be observed in the outer layer of the rices but couldn't be seen in the starch portin of the tested rices. 2. The Gram staining method was better than the PAS staining method for the observation of fungi penetration into the rices.
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