Title 산림해충의 미생물적 방제 1
Author 이응래 · 황계성
Address 대한산연 특수림산물사업소
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 9(2),61-68, 1971
Key Words Microbial Control of Forest Insect Pests (I); Pathogenecities of the Borrelina virus of Hyphantrea cunea Drury
Abstract Borrelina virus was inoculated into Hyphantrea cunea DRURY in the labolatory and in the field. The pathogenecity of Borrelina virus upon Bompyx mori L. and Dendrolinus spectabilis BUTLER, too, was examined with following results. 1) 10^8/ml, 10^7/ml, 10^6/ml concentration of nuclear-polyhedrosis virus was inoculated into the larvae of H.cunea at various ages. The corrected mortality of the larvae were 97.4%, 95.2%, 94.7% in the 3rd instar, and 88.6%, 73.6%, 62.5% in the 6th instar, respectively, with three different concentration of NPV. 2) The symptom of disease of the larvae appeared on 4days after inoculation and most of the larvae were dead within 18 days. 3) The youngest larvae treated with the highest concentration of NPV showed the highest mortality. With older larvae and lower concentration treated, it appeared that the time needed for death grew longer, marking slower death curve. 4) When we sprayed NPV of 10^8/ml concentration to H. cunea in the field, the mortality was 94.8% in the first year, 84.6% in the second year and 78.3% in third year. By this, we could admit the continuous effects of the pathogens for several years. 5) About the larvae of B. mori of 3rd and 5th instar and D.spectabilis of 3rd instar inoculated with 10^8/ml concentration of inoclum, we could not see any pathogenic effects.
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