Title 산림해충의 미생물적 방제 2
Author 이응래 · 황계성
Address 대한산연 특수림산물사업소
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 9(2),69-73, 1971
Key Words Microbial Control of Forest Insect Pests (II); Pathogenecities of Smithia virus of Liparis dispay Linne
Abstract On June in 1970 the authors discovered a pathogenecity, cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus, of the Smithia virus in the larvae of Liparis dispay L. appeared on quercus forest in Chung-Neung district and had carried out a experiment to detect the pathogenecity of Smithia virus through the inoculation of it into the larvase, such as Liparis dispay L. Hyphantrea cunea DRURY, and Dendrolinus spectabilis BUTLER. The results obtained were as follows ; 1) Death rate of L.dispay and D.spectabilis treated by 10^6/ml cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus of Smithis virus were 88.0% and 85.5% respectively, when the larvaes of these insects are big enough. But there were none of pathogenecity in case of Hyphantrea cunea DRURY. 20 Dead larvae caused by the injection of Smithia virus had begum to find out about on 10 days after inoculation. Miximum death rate of L. didpay and D. spectabilis appeared on 20-25days and on 25-30days, respectively, after the incoulation. 3) In the cytoplasm of Mid-gut cylindrical cells of both of these insects, polyhedrosis, such s hexagonal (0.5-2.0-6.0 micron) were found out and in these insects, polyhedrosis, such as hexaginal (0.5-2.0-6.0 mivton) were found out and in case of D.spectabilis were a few polyhedrosis, such as tetragonal, trianglar polyhedrosis. 4) Diluted concentration of 10^6/ml cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus of Smithia virus were spread out in the field conditions. The corrected mortality was confirmed as about 87.8%.
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