Title |
석유탄화수소를 이용한 단세포단백질의 생산에 관한 연구 3 |
Author |
변유량 · 권태완 |
Address |
한국과학기술연구소 식량자원연구실 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 9(3),95-102, 1971 |
Key Words |
Production of Single-Cell Protein on Petroleum Hydrocarbon (III); On the Growth of Candida tropicalis KIST 351 |
Abstract |
The growth characteristics of Candida tropicalis KIST 351 on gas oil substrate under different culture conditions were investigated and the preliminary animal feeding experiments using this yeast as a partial substitute of fish meal was also conducted. The yeast assimilates effectively n-paraffins in gas oil ranging from C_16 to C_18 with its maximum cell growth at 33℃ and pH 5.5 with aeration of 3 vvn and agitation of 900 rpm. The optimal concentrations of nitrogen sources, KH₂PO₄and Na₂HPO₄were 4, 2 and 0.5g/1, respectively. Ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate and zinc sulfate showed positive effect to cell growth with the optimal range of 5-10 ppm. In the feeding experiment with 3 and 5% incorporation of the gas oil grown yeast, neither adverse effects on growth of chicks nor toxic effect were observed. Protein content of the dried cell was 58.8% and its amino acid composition compared well with other single-cell protein products and FAO reference protein. |
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