Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the proprieties of practical application and possibility of bacterial leaching method to the low copper minerals in Korea. Therfore, ore samples and mine water of the Talsung, Ilkwang, Taekwang, Yongho and Siheung were analyzed chemically, mineralogically, and bacteriologically. The results obtained were as follows ; 1. The range of pH value was 2.6-3.8. 2. Copper contents in ore samples of Talsung and Ilkwang were 0.38% and 0.63%, and those in mine water of Talsung nad ilkwang were 584 ㎍ and 15㎍ per ml, respectively. 3. Ferric sulfate contents in mine water of Tlsung and Ilkwang were 27.2㎍ and 10.5㎍ per ml, respectively. 4. Ferrobacillus ferroosxidans was isolated and identified from Talsung and Ilkwang mine water and specially Thiobacillus thiooxidans was isolated from Ilkwang mine water. |