Title 미토콘드리아막의 용질투과성에 미치는 양이온의 영향
Author 이영녹 · 이종삼
Address 고대 이공대 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 9(4),145-148, 1971
Key Words Effect of cation on solute permeability of mitochondrial membrane
Abstract Mitochondria were isolated from Chlorella cells effects of cation on solute permeability of mitochondrial membrane were investigated using P³² as a tracer. It was strikingly increased uptake of phosphate for NaCl, KCl, while evidently decreased phosphate uptake of mitochondrial membrane for MgCl₂, CaCl₂. This consider that uptake of monovalent cation were increased, but uptake of divalentcation were decreased for permeability of mitochondrial membrane as if the permeability of protoplasmic membrane.
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