Title Fungi에 의한 식물성 virus의 전파
Author 이미순
Address 원자력청 방사선농학연구소
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 9(4),179-188, 1971
Key Words Dissemination of plant viruses by fungi
Abstract There is a good evidence that tabacco necrosis virus, lettuce big vein virus, and tabaco stunt virus are transmitted by Oplidium brassicae, although absolute proof in aseptic condition is lacking. Some evidence suggests that polymyxa graminis may be involved in transmission of wheat mosaic virus. One report claims that Synchytrium endobioticum can transmit potato virus X. The cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, is known to act as a hose of a virus and is apparently involved in the spread of the virus.
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