Title 한국산 Aspergilli의 누에에 대한 병원성에 관한 연구 - Aspergillus sulphureus병에 대하여 -
Author 한계영
Address 서울시립농업대학
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 7(2),63-85, 1969
Key Words Study on the pathogeniety of aspergilli to silkworm Bombyx mori L. in Korea; Aspergillus sulphureus disease
Abstract This study was carried out in order to obtain clear knowledge about the effects of Aspsulphueus which is parasitic on the bean paste ball, meju, made to brew soy sauce and bean paste for domestic uses in the general silkworm rearing farmhouseholds in Korea. The major research carried by the author during the past five years (1965-58) includes, 1) the cause of disease, 2) symptoms, 3) morphological and chemical changes of the larval body tissues and 4) methods to prevent the contagion of the disease.
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