Title Chlorella의 성장에 미치는 무기영양의 영향에 관한 반응속도론적 연구
Author 장남기
Address 서울대학교 사범대학 생물과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 7(3),107-114, 1969
Key Words Mathematical analysis on the effect of mineral nutrients on the growth rate of Chlorella
Abstract The functional relation among the growth period t, the initial concentration of Chlorella ellipsoidea and the initial amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium for the tube growth in 20ml Chlorella medium in 100ml test tube at 26℃ under 5000 lux is dt = (∂t/∂n)dn + (∂t/∂p)dp + (∂t/∂k)dk + (∂t/∂m)dmg +(∂t/∂c)dc = 2.5dn - 1.04dp - 0.1dk- 0.2dmg - (30/c)dc . Integration of this equation gives t = -2.5n - 1.04p - 0.1k - 0.2mg - 30log_eC +u = -2.5n - 1.04p - 0.1k - 0.2mg - 69log_10C +u (u: integration constant) . In this experiment, p=50, n=35, k=165, mg=40, and C=0.9 give t=132, therefore u=248.7 and the above equation becomes t = -2.5n - 1.04p - 0.1k - 0.2mg - 69log_10C +248.7
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