Title 한강하류 감조수역에 있어서의 미생물분포
Author 홍순우 · 하영칠 · 이광웅
Address 서울대학교 문리과대학 식물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 6(4),107-112, 1968
Key Words Microbial population in Han River estuary
Abstract Examining the microbial populations in the Han River estuary, we conducted this experiment at six sites of the estuarine area, Chollyu-ri, Cholsan-ri, Wolgon-ri, Chogi-ri, Inhwa-ri, and Oepo-ri for 5 months since May 1967. From the results obtained it could be summarized as follows. 1) The salinity of the estuarine water increased in order of the distances from the base point of the Old Han River Bridge to every site of the estuary, and pH of the water, which were between 7.3 and 8.1, showing little difference each other in both the sites and dates of experiment. 2) The populations of the general bacteria and coliform group bacteria were highest at the site of Chollyu-ri, and it decreased with the downstreaming of the river water toward Oepo-ri site. As for fungi which have comparatively high tolerance to the salinity, its population was shown hi hest at Chogi-ri. 3) The relationship between the salinity and the number of the general bacteria have indicated that the incresed salinity reduced the growth rates of the bacteria. By this it can be assumed that the fresh-water bacteria decreased due to the sea water as well as its dilution effects. 4) The high pollution of the esturarine water was caused by the increases of inhabitants and water thrown by industries in Seoul and Kyung-In Industrial District as well as the excrements fertilized to the farms.
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