Title 식품의 세균학적 표준연구 2
Author 정윤수 · 장건형
Address 육군기술연구소 미생물연구실
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 3(1),7-10, 1965
Key Words Studies on Microbiological Standards of Foods (II); On Contaminative Ratio and Death Characters of Coliform Group Contaminated in Soy-Bean Mash and Red Pepper Mash
Abstract Higher number in colony counts in coliforms, total aerobes, and anerobes was obtained from marketable soy-bean mash than front that in fermented tank. The ratio between coliform contamination and total viable cells was higher in red pepper mash than in soy-bean mash. E. coli, contaminated in soy-bean mash persisted longer at low temperature (O℃ - 5℃) than at room temperature and they vanished after seven days of storage at room temperature. At 30℃ and 35℃, these organisms were more effected than at room temperature. E. coli cells, inoculated in red pepper mash, were not recovered at room temperature after five days incubation. Soy-bean mash, completely fermented at normal conditions, were detected to contain 10^8 - 10^9 organisms per gram of sample. On the contrary, marketable soy-bean mash were found to have more than 10^9 per gram samples. Since samples were found to have more than 10^9 aerobes and anaerobes per gram, contamination of coliforms seemed to be apparent.
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