Title 한국산 감자바이러스병에 관하여
Author 박상윤 · 소인영
Address 성균관대학교 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 3(2),1-8, 1965
Key Words Studies on potato virus disease in Korea
Abstract The potato viruses, as possible potato virus X(PVX), potato virus Y(PVY), potato virus S(PVS) are isolated from potato tuber, which collected from eleven areas (Table 1) in Korea. These viruses are isolated by single lesion isolation, Aphid transmission and inoculating methods through the many species of the different plants. The PVX is identified by host range, symptoms, physical properties, serological reaction and electron micrography. The other two viruses are identified by the first two methods mentioned above. The results of the above experiments are as follows. The total value of these viruses infection is 81%. The value of PVX infection is higher than the other two viruses. The properties of PVX are marked as local lesions on Comphrena globosa. The dilution end point is 10^-6, the thermal inactivation point is 70℃ and the size of virus particles is around 13 x 60 m.mu..
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