Title Comparison Analysis of Swine Gut Microbiota between Landrace and Yorkshire at Various Growth Stages
Author Tatsuya Unno
Address Faculty of Biotechnology, College of Applied Life Sciences, SARI, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 50(4),308-312, 2014
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.7845/kjm.2014.4078
Key Words growth promoter, gut microbiota, swine
Abstract In this study, we conducted a next generation sequencing based microbial community analysis to investigate gut microbiota of the two commercially most available swine breeds, Yorkshire and Landrace. Bacterial 16S rRNA gene was amplified from fecal DNA using universal primer sets designed for V4 regions. Our comparison analysis of the gut microbiota of the two breeds suggested that their gut microbiota changed depending on the growth stages, while the difference between the two breeds was insignificant. However, there was a limited number of genera, the abundance of which was found to be different between the breeds. Those included the genus Xylanibacter in the Yorkshire samples, which was previously reported as a fiber digesting bacteria, likely increasing energy harvesting capacity of swine. In addition, others included opportunistic pathogens mostly found in the Yorkshire samples while the Landrace samples had significantly more prevalent Clostridium_IV species that were known to play a key role in systemic immunity of hosts. While microbial community shifts was found to be associated with growth stages, the difference between the two breeds seemed to be insignificant. However, there were several bacterial genera showing differential abundance, which may affect growth of hosts.
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