Title P2 sir3-sized head에 packaging 되기 용이한 크기의 박테리오파지 P4 유도체 조성과 정성 연구
Author 김경진*
Address 선문대학교 건강보건대학 BT-융합 제약공학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 51(1),1-6, 2015
DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.7845/kjm.2015.5009
Key Words Escherichia coli, P2 sir, bacteriophage P2-P4, burst size, packaging
Abstract The term “P2 sir-associated helper inefficiency” has been used to define the inefficient helper capability of P2 sir mutants for their satellite bacteriophage P4. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors overcoming P2 sir-associated helper inefficiency. At first, we verified whether the P2 cos region containing P4 sid71 cosP2 could overcome P2 sir-associated helper inefficiency with P2 sir3. The result was that P4 sid71 cosP2 could not overcome P2 sir-associated helper inefficiency with P2 sir3. Instead of cos region of P2, the size of the DNA packaged into a P2sir-sized head seems to be important for overcoming P2 sir-associated helper inefficiency. In the present work, three kinds of P4 derivatives with packaged DNA sizes between those of P4 ost1 and P4 ost2, were constructed through DNA manipulation. In one P4 derivative, P4 sid71 delRI::apr, the size of the packaged DNA was identified with a CsCl buoyant equilibrium density gradient experiment. According to the burst sizes of the P4 derivatives, they could overcome P2 sir3-associated helper inefficiency. The size of the P4 derivative DNA suitable for packaging into a P2sir3-sized head was 28-29 kb.
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