Title Observation and Enumeration of Attached Bacteria on Cellulos Film
Author Ahn, Tae Seok * · Choi, Seung Ik · Byeon, Myeong Seop
Address Department of Environmental Science, Kangwon National university; Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 33(1),1-4, 1995,
Key Words stainning method, Hoechst 33258, epifluoroscence, attached bacteria
Abstract The DNA specific fluorochorome, Hoechst 33258, was used to enumerate the attached bacteria on cellulose film by epifluorescence microscope. Stainning with Hoechst dye gave fine features, whereas staining with acridine orange and DAPI gave poor contrast between background and bacterial cells. In Lake Uiam, Morphologically different two bacteria were detected after 3 days submerging in lake water. In Lake Soyang, the bacterial colonies appeared after 16 hours. This staining method had distinct advantages to enumerate the attached bacteria on surface.
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