Title Physiological characterization of kinetics and action mechanism of vibrio hemolysin
Author Choe, Young Chool · Jeong, Ga Jin *
Address Department of Microbiology; Research Center for Molecular Microbiology, Seoul National University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 33(4),289-294, 1995,
Key Words hemolysin, Vibrio anguillarum, kinetics, action mechanism
Abstract The action mechanism of hemolysin rendering virulency of Vibrio anguilarum has not clarified as yet, even though there were several possible factors explained. We have studied hemolytic kinetics performed by hemolysin from V. anguillarum strain V7 as well as binding of hemolysin to RBC membrane. Maximal rate of hemolysis and duration of lag phase were directly and inversly correlated to the concentration of hemolysin used. Hemolysin molecules are known to bind consumptively with proper diameter, while other protectants with smaller diameter could not. In conclusion, hemolysin should bind irreversibly to RBC membrane exert hemolysis distorting osmotic pressure. The binding could be hindered by spatial structure of the RBC surfacem which might be caused by sialic acid.
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