Title Construction of secretion vectors using the α-amylase signal sequence of bacillus subtilis NA64
Author Kim, Sung Il · Lee, Se Yong *
Address Department of Agricultural Chemistry, College of Natural Resources, Korea University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 34(1),74-81, 1996,
Key Words B. subtilis, secretion vector, β-lactamase secretion
Abstract Two secretion vectors, pUBA240 and pUB340 were constructed by using the promoter and secretory signal region of the α-amylase gene from an α-amylase hyperproducing strain, Bacillus subtilis NA64. In this secretion vector system, various restriction enzyme sites are located immediately after the proregion of the α-amylase gene for easy replacement of various foreign structural genes. To evaluate this secretion vectors, the β-lactamase gene of pBR322 was used as a reporter gene. The expressed and biologically active β-lactamase was secreted into the culture broth from B. subtilis LKS86 transformants harboring each β-lactamase secreting plasmid, pUBAbla and pUBSble. In both cases, more than 92% of expressed β- lactamases were located idn the culture medium. The amount of the secreted β-lactamase was about 80% of the total secreted proteins in the culture medium.
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