Title Distribution of airborne microorganisms in yellow sands of Korea
Author Choi, Dae Sung¹ * · Park, Yong Keun² · Oh, Sang Kon¹ · Yoon, Hee Ju¹ · Kim, Jee Cheon¹ · Seo, Won Jun¹ · Cha, Seung Hee¹
Address ¹Agency for Defense Development, GWSD-4-3 Yuseong; ²Graduate School of Biotechnology, Korea University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 35(1),1-9, 1997,
Key Words airborne microorganisms, distribution of particles, concentratration of microbial particles, Yellow Sand phenomenon (YSP) days
Abstract Distribution of airborne microorganisms was determined with two different types of air samplers, the Anderson cascade sampler and the Aerobioscope sampler, in the vicinity of Taejon. The size distribution of particles carrying bacteria and fungi was concurrently measured. The concentration of detected viable airborne particles was greatly varied. It was observed that the number of microbial particles increased in April and October. The most size of particles carrying bacteria was larger than 4.7 um in mean aerodiameter, which made up 69.8% of the total particle fraction. About 63.2% of fungi-carrying particles were smaller than 4.7 um in aerodiameter. The distribution of particles on Yellow Sand Phenomena days was also analyzed. The number of fine particles having mass median aero-diameter from 1.0 to 10.mu.m increased on Yellow Sand Phenomena days to about 6 times that on normal days and the n umber of colony forming unit (CFU/㎥) of airborne bacteria also increased by 4.3 times in April. The results from the Anderson sampler showed that the concentration of bacteria increased greatly on the fraction of fine particles ranging from 0.6 um to 4.7 um in diameter. Unlike the increase in bacterial floraon Yellow Sand Phenomena days, the fungal concentration slightly decreased and showed a normal size distribution pattern. This study suggests that a long-range transmission of bacteria results form bacteria adsorbing onto the fine particles during the Yellow Sand Phenomena.
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