Title Morphological changes of biomembranes by amphiphilic basic peptides mastoparan B and 4₃
Author Park, Nam Gyu · Kim, Chan Hee · Chung, Joon Ki¹ · Huh, Min Do¹ · Park, Jang Su² · Kang, Shin Won² *
Address Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering; ¹Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, College of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University; ²Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Science, Pusan National University
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 36(3),179-183, 1998,
Key Words Gramicidin S, mastoparan B, model peptide, Ac-(Leu-Ala-Arg-Leu)_3-NJCH_3 (4_3), morphological change
Abstract We investigated the modes interaction of mastoparan B, model peptide Ac-(Leu-Ala-Arg-Leu)_3-NHCH_3 (4_3) and gramicidin S, amphiphilic peptides with biomembranes. As a result, we observed morphological changes in erythrocytes and bacterial membranes. Mastoparan B caused a change in the shape of erythrocytes from normal discoid to a crenated form (named echinocytes). The major morphological changes of Staphylococcus aureus 209P induced by 4_3 and gramicidin S were the destruction of the cell wall and the accumulation of large enectron-opaque structures in the ccytoplasm. The damage was initiated by gap formation in the cell wall. In the freeze-fracture method, heavy damages occurred in the cell membrane. The cell wall became thin and finally ruptured. The protoplasts prepared from the 4_3-treated bacteria were unstable in an osmotically controlled vuffer and lysed within 2 hr, whereas those prepared from control cell and 4_3treated protoplasts were stable for more than 3 hr. These structural changes were not specific for 4_3 but were also found in gramicidin S-treated cells. Therefore, we expect that the bactericidal mechanism of 4_3, an amphiphilic linear peptide, and gramicidin S, an amphiphilic cyclic peptide, on Staphylococcus aureus 209P will by basically the same. In the case of erythrocytes, their transformation to echinocytes by mastoparan B should be similar to the way in which the transformation is caused by amphiphilic basic peptides such 4_3 and gramicidin S.
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