Title Stabilities of Artificially Transconjugated Plasmids for the Bioremediation of Cocontaminated Sites
Author Kyung Pyo Yoon*
Address Department of Microbiology, Keimyung University, Daegu 704-701, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 43(2),196-203, 2005,
Key Words Pseudomonas sp. KM12TC, artificially transconjugated plasmid activity, cocontaminated site
Abstract Here, we attempted to evaluate the activity of artificially transconjugated multiple plasmids in “designer biocatalysts” for the bioremediation of cocontaminated sites under nonselective conditions. We observed profound losses in the percent survivals of artificially transconjugated plasmid activity (66 - 78% loss immediately after freeze-drying, 99.45 - 99.88% loss by the end of 6 months storage) in reconstituted Pseudomonas sp. KM12TC. Such unpredictable high losses of this particular plasmid appeared to clearly be a deleterious effect. However, even after 6 months of storage, the cells remained able to degrade 95% of phenol within 9 days, and the full efflux of ^73As, as compared to that of the non-freeze-dried cells, was successfully achieved 4 to 9 days later. These results indicate that “stable designer biocatalysts” can remain viable, even after freeze-drying and 6 months of storage.
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