Title Surveillance of Bacterial Pathogens Associated with Acute Diarrheal Disease in the Republic of Korea During One Year, 2003
Author Seung-Hak Cho, Jong-Hyun Kim, Jong-Chul Kim, Hyun-Ho Shin, Yeon-Ho Kang, and Bok-Kwon Lee*
Address Division of Enteric Bacterial Infections, Center for Infectious Diseases, Korean National Institute of Health, Nokbun-dong 5, Seoul 122-701, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 44(3),327-335, 2006,
Key Words epidemiology, enteropathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella
Abstract An epidemiological survey of human enterobacterial infections was conducted to determine the prevalence of enteropathogens in the Republic of Korea during one year, 2003. We tested for infectious diseases in 26,992 stool samples obtained from people who visited clinics located in six big cities and six rural provinces. From these samples, we isolated 1,291 cases of enteritis bacterial infection (4.8%). In the urban areas, 821 cases of bacterial infection (6.4%) were identified and, in the rural areas, 479 bacterial strains (3.3%) were isolated. Seasonal patterns were seen for diarrhea associated with S. aureus, E. coli and V. parahaemolyticus, while Salmonella and Shigella infections showed slight seasonal variation. We found that S. aureus and Salmonella were more frequently isolated from children and the elderly; however, the prevalence of E. coli, V. parahaemolyticus, and Shigella were similar in different age groups. Routine monitoring of these infections is considered a worthwhile means by which to elucidate their epidemiology and modes of transmission and ultimately to control them more effectively. Continuous laboratory-based surveillance for findings of enteritis bacterial infection should be emphasized in the prevention of these infections.
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