Title A Bacterium Belonging to the Burkholderia cepacia Complex Associated with Pleurotus ostreatus
Author Ricardo Yara*1, Walter Maccheroni Junior2, Jorge Horii3, and Joao Lucio Azevedo1,4
Address 1Department of Genetics, Escola Superior de Agricultura ?uiz de Queiroz? University of S? Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 2Canavialis S.A., Campinas, Brasil, 33Department of Agri-food Industry, Food and Nutrition, Escola Superior de Agricultura ?uiz de Queiroz? University of S? Paulo,Piracicaba, SP, Brasil, 4Integrated Nucleus of Biotechnology, University Mogi das Cruzes, Mogi das Cruzes, SP, Brasil
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 44(3),263-268, 2006,
Key Words mushrooms, Pleurotus ostreatus, associated bacterial species, bacterial fungi interactions, Burkholderia cepacia complex, 16S rDNA sequence
Abstract Pleurotus ostreatus is a widely cultivated white-rot fungus. Owing to its considerable enzymatic versatility P. ostreatus has become the focus of increasing attention for its possible utility in biobleaching and bioremediation applications. Interactions between microorganisms can be an important factor in those processes. In this study, we describe the presence of a bacterial species associated with P. ostreatus strain G2. This bacterial species grew slowly (approximately 30 days) in theliquid and semi-solid media tested. When P. ostreatus was inoculated in solid media containing Tween 80 or Tween 20, bacterial microcolonies were detected proximal to the fungal colonies, and the relevant bacterium was identified via the analysis of a partial 16S rDNA sequence; it was determined to belong to the Burkholderia cepacia complex, but was not closely related to other fungus-isolated Burkholderiaceae. New specific primers were designed, and confirmed the presence of in vitro P. ostreatus cultures. This is the first time that a bacterial species belonging to the B. cepacia complex has been found associated with P. ostreatus.
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