Title Isolation and Evaluation of Terrestrial Fungi with Algicidal Ability from Zijin Mountain, Nanjing, China
Author Guomin Han1,2, Xiaoguang Feng1, Yong Jia1, Congyan Wang1, Xingbing He3, Qiyou Zhou2*, and Xingjun Tian1*
Address 1School of Life Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, P. R. China, 2School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093, P. R. China, 3Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Utilization (Jishou University), College of Hunan Province, Jishou, 416000, P. R. China
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 49(4),562-567, 2011,
Key Words algae, algal control agents, algicidal ability, fungi
Abstract Approximately 60 fungal isolates from Zijin Mountain (Nanjing, China) were screened to determine their algicidal ability. The results show that 8 fungi belonging to Ascomycota and 5 belonging to Basidiomycota have algicidal ability. Of these fungi, Irpex lacteus T2b, Trametes hirsuta T24, Trametes versicolor F21a, and Bjerkandera adusta T1 showed strong algicidal ability. The order of fungal chlorophyll-a removal efficiency was as follows: T. versicolor F21a > I. lacteus T2b > B. adusta T1 > T. hirsuta T24. In particular, T. versicolor F21a completely removed algal cells within 30 h, showing the strongest algicidal ability. The results also show that all 4 fungal species degraded algal cells through direct attack. In addition, most of the tested fungi from the order Polyporales of Basidiomycota exhibited strong algicidal activity, suggesting that most fungi that belong to this order have algicidal ability. The findings of this work could direct the search for terrestrial fungi for bloom control.