1 |
Characterization of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Isolated from Field-Grown Barley, Oat, and Wheat
Anastasia Venieraki, Maria Dimou, Eleni Vezyri, Io Kefalogianni, Nikolaos Argyris, Georgia Liara, Panagiotis Pergalis, Iordanis Chatzipavlidis, and Panagiotis Katinakis* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
525-534 |
2 |
Bacterial Structure and Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting and Oil Degrading Bacteria from the Rhizospheres of Mangrove Plants
Flávia Lima do Carmo1, Henrique Fragoso dos Santos1, Edir Ferreira Martins1, Jan Dirk van Elsas2, Alexandre Soares Rosado1, and Raquel Silva Peixoto1* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
535-543 |
3 |
Polymerase Chain Reaction-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Analysis of Bacterial Community Structure in the Food, Intestines, and Feces of Earthworms
Sung Wook Hong, Ju Sam Lee, and Kun Sub Chung* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
544-550 |
4 |
Symbiotic Interaction of Endophytic Bacteria with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Its Antagonistic Effect on Ganoderma boninense
Shamala Sundram1,2*, Sariah Meon1, Idris Abu Seman2, and Radziah Othman1 |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
551-557 |
5 |
Methyl Coenzyme M Reductase (mcrA) Gene Based Phylogenetic Analysis of Methanogens Population in Murrah Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)
Prem Prashant Chaudhary1,2, Sunil Kumar Sirohi1*, Dheer Singh3, and Jyoti Saxena2 |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
558-561 |
6 |
Isolation and Evaluation of Terrestrial Fungi with Algicidal Ability from Zijin Mountain, Nanjing, China
Guomin Han1,2, Xiaoguang Feng1, Yong Jia1, Congyan Wang1, Xingbing He3, Qiyou Zhou2*, and Xingjun Tian1* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
562-567 |
7 |
Isolation and Analyses of Uranium Tolerant Serratia marcescens Strains and Their Utilization for Aerobic Uranium U(VI) Bioadsorption
Rakshak Kumar1, Celin Acharya2, and Santa Ram Joshi1* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
568-574 |
8 |
Isolation and Characterization of Ethylbenzene Degrading Pseudomonas putida E41
Lan-Hee Kim and Sang-Seob Lee* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
575-584 |
9 |
Microbial Community Analysis and Identification of Alternative Host-Specific Fecal Indicators in Fecal and River Water Samples Using Pyrosequencing
Ju-Yong Jeong1,2, Hee-Deung Park3, Kyong-Hee Lee1, Hang-Yeon Weon4, and Jong-Ok Ka2* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
585-594 |
10 |
Characterization of Antibiotic Resistance Determinants in Oral Biofilms
Seon-Mi Kim1, Hyeong C. Kim2, and Seok-Woo S. Lee3,4* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
595-602 |
11 |
Cyclic Lipopeptide Profile of Three Bacillus subtilis Strains; Antagonists of Fusarium Head Blight
Christopher A. Dunlap1*, David A. Schisler1, Neil P. Price2, and Steven F. Vaughn3 |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
603-609 |
12 |
Sphingomonas rosea sp. nov. and Sphingomonas swuensis sp. nov., Rosy Colored β-Glucosidase-Producing Bacteria Isolated from Soil
Sathiyaraj Srinivasan, Jae-Jin Lee, and Myung Kyum Kim* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
610-616 |
13 |
Paenibacillus telluris sp. nov., a Novel Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacterium Isolated from Soil
Jae-Chan Lee1, Chang-Jin Kim1, and Ki-Hong Yoon2* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
617-621 |
14 |
Identification of Enriched Conjugated Linoleic Acid Isomers in Cultures of Ruminal Microorganisms after Dosing with 1-13C-Linoleic Acid
Yong-Jae Lee1* and Thomas C. Jenkins2 |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
622-627 |
15 |
Identification of an Extracellular Thermostable Glycosyl Hydrolase Family 13 α-Amylase from Thermotoga neapolitana
Kyoung-Hwa Choi1, Sungmin Hwang1, Hee-Seob Lee2, and Jaeho Cha1* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
628-634 |
16 |
Transcriptional and Biochemical Characterization of Two Azotobacter vinelandii FKBP Family Members
Maria Dimou, Chrysoula Zografou, Anastasia Venieraki, and Panagiotis Katinakis* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
635-640 |
17 |
The ATPase Activity of The G2alt Gene Encoding an Aluminium Tolerance Protein from Anoxybacillus gonensis G2
Fatih Saban Beris1,2, Lina De Smet2, Hakan Karaoglu3, Sabriye Canakci3, Jozef Van Beeumen2, and Ali Osman Belduz3* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
641-650 |
18 |
Macrolide Resistance and In Vitro Selection of Resistance to Antibiotics in Lactobacillus Isolates
Lorenzo Drago1,2*, Roberto Mattina3, Lucia Nicola1, Valentina Rodighiero2, and Elena De Vecchi1 |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
651-656 |
19 |
Food-Borne Enterococci and Their Resistance to Oxidative Stress
Barbora Vlková1,2,3*, Tomáš Szemes1,2, Gabriel Minárik1,2,3, Lubomíra Tóthová2, Hana Drahovská2, Ján Turňa2, and Peter Celec1,2,3,4 |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
657-662 |
20 |
The Activity of a Small Lytic Peptide PTP-7 on Staphylococcus aureus Biofilms
Riddhi Kharidia and Jun F. Liang* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
663-668 |
21 |
NOTE] Taxonomy of Eurotium Species Isolated from Meju
Seung-Beom Hong1*, Dae-Ho Kim1, Mina Lee1, Seong-Yeol Baek2, Soon-Wo Kwon1, and Robert A. Samson3 |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
669-674 |
22 |
NOTE] A Rapid PCR-Based Approach for Molecular Identification of Filamentous Fungi
Yuanyuan Chen1, Bernard A. Prior2, Guiyang Shi1, and Zhengxiang Wang1* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
675-679 |
23 |
NOTE] Characterization of a Mutant Strain of a Filamentous Fungus Cladosporium phlei for the Mass Production of the Secondary Metabolite Phleichrome
Min-Hee Yi1, Jung-Ae Kim1, Jung-Mi Kim1, Jin-Ah Park1, Beom-Tae Kim2, Seung-Moon Park2, Moon-Sik Yang2, Ki-Jun Hwang3, and Dae-Hyuk Kim1* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
680-683 |
24 |
NOTE] Complete Sequence and Organization of the Sphingobium chungbukense DJ77 pSY2 Plasmid
Sun-Mi Yeon and Young-Chang Kim* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
684-688 |
25 |
NOTE] rRNASelector: A Computer Program for Selecting Ribosomal RNA Encoding Sequences from Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Shotgun Libraries
Jae-Hak Lee1, Hana Yi2, and Jongsik Chun1,2,3* |
vol.49,No.4,2011 |
689-691 |