Title New record and enzyme activity of four species in Penicillium section Citrina from marine environments in Korea
Author Myung Soo Park, Ji Eun Eom, Jonathan J. Fong, and Young Woon Lim*
Address School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 53(4),219-225, 2015,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-015-4700-9
Key Words BenA, CaM, morphology, Penicillium section Citrina, phylogeny
Abstract Several strains of Penicillium section Citrina were isolated during a survey of fungi from marine environments along the southern coast of Korea. Based on multigene phylogenetic analyses (?tubulin and calmodulin) and morphological characteristics, the 11 strains were identified as P. citrinum, P. hetheringtonii, P. paxilli, P. sumatrense, P. terrigenum, and P. westlingii. To understand the ecological role of these species, we tested all strains for extracellular enzyme activity; six strains representing four species showed ?glucosidase activity. Four of the identified species ?P. hetheringtonii, P. paxilli, P. terrigenum, and P. westlingii ?are new records for Korea. For these new species records, we describe morphological characteristics of the strains and compare results to published data of type strains.