Title MINIREVIEW] Clinical relevance of infections with zoonotic and human oral species of Campylobacter
Author Soomin Lee1, Jeeyeon Lee1, Jimyeong Ha1, Yukyung Choi1, Sejeong Kim1, Heeyoung Lee1, Yohan Yoon1, and Kyoung-Hee Choi2*
Address 1Department of Food and Nutrition, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul 04310, Republic of Korea, 2Department of Oral Microbiology, College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Iksan, Chonbuk 54538, Republic of Korea
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 54(7),459-467, 2016,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-016-6254-x
Key Words Campylobacter, gastroenteritis, periodontitis, inflammatory bowel disease
Abstract Genus Campylobacter has been recognized as a causative bacterial agent of animal and human diseases. Human Campylobacter infections have caused more concern. Campylobacters can be classified into two groups in terms of their original host: zoonotic and human oral species. The major zoonotic species are Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, which mostly reside in the intestines of avian species and are transmitted to humans via consumption of contaminated poultry products, thus causing human gastroenteritis and other diseases as sequelae. The other campylobacters, human oral species, include C. concisus, C. showae, C. gracilis, C. ureolyticus, C. curvus, and C. rectus. These species are isolated from the oral cavity, natural colonization site, but have potential clinical relevance in the periodontal region to varying extent. Two species, C. jejuni and C. coli, are believed to be mainly associated with intestinal diseases, but recent studies suggested that oral Campylobacter species also play a significant role in intestinal diseases. This review offers an outline of the two Campylobacter groups (zoonotic and human oral), their virulence traits, and the associated illnesses including gastroenteritis.