Title Performance of nested multiplex PCR assay targeting MTP40 and IS6110 gene sequences for the diagnosis of tubercular lymphadenitis
Author Pallavi Sinha1, Pradyot Prakash1, Shashikant C.U. Patne2, Shampa Anupurba1, Sweety Gupta1, and G. N. Srivastava3
Address 1Department of Microbiology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2Department of Pathology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India, 3Department of Respiratory Diseases, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 55(1),63-67, 2017,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-017-6127-y
Key Words fine needle aspiration, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, nested multiplex PCR, Ziehl-Neelsen staining
Abstract The conventional methods for diagnosis of tubercular lymphadenitis (TBLN) such as - fine needle aspiration cytology, Ziehl-Neelsen staining and culture have limitations of low sensitivity and/or specificity. So, it becomes essential to develop a rapid, sensitive, and specific method for an early diagnosis of TBLN. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction (nMPCR) targeting MTP40 and IS6110 gene sequences of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, respectively in 48 successive patients of TBLN and 20 random patients with non-tubercular lymph node lesions. Out of the 48 cases of TBLN, 14 (29.2%) were found to be positive by Ziehl-Neelsen staining, 15 (31.2%) were positive by culture and 43 (89.6%) cases were positive after first round of PCR while 48 (100%) cases were positive by nMPCR assay. The sensitivity and specificity of nMPCR was found to be 100% for the diagnosis of TBLN. The results thus obtained indicate that nMPCR assay is a highly sensitive and specific tool for the diagnosis of TBLN.