Title [Erratum]Aeromicrobium endophyticum sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacteriumAeromicrobium endophyticum sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacterium
Author Fei-Na Li1, Shui-Lin Liao2,3,4, Shao-Wei Liu1, Tao Jin2,3, and Cheng-Hang Sun1
Address 1Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100050, P. R. China, 2BGI-Shenzhen, Beishan Industrial Zone, Shenzhen 518083, P. R. China, 3China National GeneBank, BGI-Shenzhen, Shenzhen 518120, P. R. China, 4BGI Education Center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518083, P. R. China
Bibliography Journal of Microbiology, 59(1),110–111, 2021,
DOI 10.1007/s12275-021-9727-5
Key Words