MSK2024 한국미생물학회 국제학술대회

  • 행사명 MSK2024 한국미생물학회 국제학술대회
  • 일   시 2024-10-30 (수) ~ 2024-11-01 (금)
  • 장   소 제주국제컨벤션센터
  • 사전등록 기간 2024-07-01 (월) ~ 2024-09-13 (금)
  • 현장등록 기간 2024-09-23 (월) ~ 2024-11-01 (금)
  • 초록등록 기간 2024-07-01 (월) ~ 2024-09-13 (금)
  • 대회 안내 Notices
  • 등록 Registration
  • 프로그램 Program
  • 포스터 발표 Poster Presentation
  • 기업참여
  • 후원단체
  • 교통 및 숙박
  • 편의시설

  • 사전등록 안내 Registration Info

    • 학회 회원께서는 회원가 적용을 위해 연회비를 먼저 납부하신 후 등록을 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.
      • If participants want to discount registration fee, please pay annual membership fee first.
    • 유료 워크샵은 단독등록 및 현장등록이 불가합니다.
      • Paid workshops cannot be registered alone or on-site.
    • 포스터 발표자(1저자)는 반드시 사전등록 후 포스터를 제출해야 합니다.
      • The Poster Presenter(First Author) must register to attend the conference.

  • 등록 기간 안내 Registration Schedule

    • Pre-registration & Poster abstract submission
      • - 1st : 2024.07.01(Mon) - 08.30(Fri)
      • - 2nd : 2024.09.02(Mon) - 09.13(Fri)
    • On-site registration
      • - 2024.09.23(Mon) - 11.01(Fri)
    • Due date for Pre-registration payment
      • - 2024.09.13(Fri)

  • 등록비 안내 Registration fee

    • 우리 학회는 수익사업을 영위하지 않는 비영리 사단법인으로 법인세법 제116조 제2항 및 법인세법 시행령 제158조 제1항에 의거하여, 계산서 발행이 불가함을 알려 드립니다.
    • 납부 관련 증빙이 필요하신 경우, 청구서 또는 거래명세서로 대체하여 발행 가능합니다.


    On-site registration
    220,000 290,000 숙박 불포함
    not included

    *리셉션은 핑거푸드만 제공
    Finger food only
    130,000 160,000
    300,000 370,000
    150,000 180,000
    좌장, 연사(GS 제외)
    Chair, Speaker(Except GS)
    유료 워크샵
    대사네트워크 모델링과 시뮬레이션
    Modeling and Simulation of Metabolic Networks
    40,000 강의자료 포함
    Includes lecture materials

    *수료증 미발급
    Certificate will not be issued
    초보자를 위한 미생물 유전체 분석법
    Beginner's guide to bacterial genome analysis
    단백질 구조 예측 활용
    Utilization of protein structure prediction
    문헌과 서열 정보 데이터베이스 활용
    Literature and Sequence Databases
    R을 활용한 미생물 분석 - 기초
    R Course – Basic

  • 환불 규정 안내 Cancellation and refund policy

    • 사전등록 취소를 원하는 경우, 아래 신청서 양식을 작성하여 메일로 접수해 주시기 바랍니다.
      • All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the MSK secretariat. Please send the refund application to the secretariat via e-mail.

    사전등록 기간 내 By September 13 (Fri) 전액 환불 100% of the registration Fee
    10월 2일(수) 까지 Sep 14 (Sat) – Oct 2 (Wed) 50% 환불 50% of the registration Fee
    10월 3일(목) 이후 After October 3 (Thu) 환불 불가 Refunds will not be issued

    환불 신청서
    Refund application

  • Timetable
  • Plenary Lectures
  • Special Speakers
  • Symposia
  • GS Forum
  • Paid Workshops
  • Luncheon Symposium


OCT 30 (Wed)

Time Halla Hall Samda Hall Rm 303 Rm 302 Rm 301 Lobby
12:00-14:00 GS1
Graduate Students' Forum 1
Graduate Students' Forum 2
Graduate Students' Forum 3
[W1_Paid Workshop]
R Course Workshop
[W2_Paid Workshop]
Literature and Sequence Databases
Registration 11:30~

Exhibition 14:00~
14:00-14:10 Break time
14:10-14:50 PL1 - Prof. Michael J. Sadowsky  Halla Hall
14:50-15:00 Break time
15:00-17:00 S1
Microbiome Interactions and Health Impacts: From Gut to Skin
Host-pathogen Crosstalk: From Molecule to Physiology
Microbial Survival Systems
Present and Future of Bacteriophage Research
Probiotics 2.0: Exploring the Future of Next Generation Probiotics
17:00-17:10 Break time

PL2 _ Prof. Nobuhiko Kamada  Halla Hall

18:00-19:30 POSTER Presentation 1 with Standing reception

Oct 31 (Thu)

Time Halla Hall Samda Hall Rm 303 Rm 302 Rm 301 Lobby
09:00-11:00 S6
Engineering Biology: The Dominant Approach to Engineer Biosystems for Bioeconomy
From Shadow to Petri Dish: Breakthroughs in Culturing Elusive Microorganisms
Development of Vaccines against New and Variant Infectious Diseases
Agricultural and Livestock Industrialization Based Microbiome
[W3_Paid Workshop]
Beginner’s Guide to the Bacterial Genome Analysis
Registration 08:30~

Exhibition 09:00~
11:00-11:10 Break time
11:10-11:50 PL3 _ Dr. John I. Glass  Halla Hall
12:00-13:00 Luncheon Symposium
CJ Bioscience
Luncheon Symposium
Illumina Korea
Luncheon Symposium
Clinical Microbiomics
LUNCH General Meeting of MSK
@ 5F Ocean View
13:00-15:00 S10
Engineering of Biocatalysts: Enzymes and Cells
Exploring Basic Mechanisms and Applications in Viral Immunology, Vaccines, and Therapeutics
Fungal Genetics and Biology
Unravelling the Relationship between the Gut Microbiome and Skin Health: Gut-Skin-Immune Axis
15:00-15:10 Break time

PL4 _ Prof. Natalie C.J. Strynadka  Halla Hall

15:50-16:00 Break time
16:00-18:00 S15
Environmental Microbiology
Structure and Function of Microbial Proteins
Innovative Approaches to Microbiome-Human Interactions Using Next Generation Sequencing
IVI session - Advances in Vaccine Technology
Bio-Biz Festival
18:00-19:30 POSTER Presentation 2 with Standing reception

Nov 1 (Fri)

Time Halla Hall Samda Hall Rm 303 Rm 302 Rm 301 Lobby
09:00-11:00 S20
Microbial Ecology
Recent Advances in the Molecular Biology of Microbes in Host Environments
Graduate Students' Forum 4
[W4_Paid Workshop]
Modeling and Simulation of Metabolic Networks
[W5_Paid Workshop]
Utilization of Protein Structure Prediction
Exhibition / 09:00~
11:00-11:10 Break time
11:10-11:50 MSK Award Lecture _ Prof. Jang-Cheon Cho  Halla Hall
12:00-12:30 CLOSING CEREMONY  Halla Hall

Plenary Lectures

  • Plenary Lecture 1

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 14:10-14:50 Halla Hall

    Chair : Jeonghwan Jang (Jeonbuk National University)

    • Michael J. Sadowsky (University of Minnesota, USA) _ homepage
    • Title: Treating Human Diseases with Bugs and Not Drugs
  • Plenary Lecture 2

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 17:10-17:50 Halla Hall

    Chair : Han Young Chung (Chungnam National University)

    • Nobuhiko Kamada (University of Michigan, USA) _ homepage
    • Title: The Mouth and the Gut- Together in Sickness and in Health
  • Plenary Lecture 3

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 11:10-11:50 Halla Hall

    Chair : Bong Hyun Sung (KRIBB)

    • John I. Glass (J. Craig Venter Institute, USA) _ homepage
    • Title: Investigating the First Principles of Cell Biology Using a Minimal Bacterial Cell
    • Sponsored by Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB)
  • Plenary Lecture 4

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 15:10-15:50 Halla Hall

    Chair : Min-Kyu Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)

    • Natalie C.J. Strynadka (University of British Columbia, Canada) _ homepage
    • Title: Structure-guided Drug Discovery Targeting Cell Wall Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms in Staphylococcus aureus

MSK Award Lecture

  • 2023 Academic Research Awardee

    2024-11-01 (Fri) 11:10-11:50 Halla Hall

    Chair : Che Ok Jeon (Chung-Ang University)

    • Jang-Cheon Cho (Inha University, Korea) _ homepage
    • Title: Oh My Goodness Microbe! - My Journey to Cultivate the Uncultured


Keynote Speakers

  • S4 Present and Future of Bacteriophage Research

    Oct 30 (Wed) 15:00-17:00, Rm 302

    • Sangryeol Ryu (Seoul National University)
    • Title: Grand Challenges in Phage and Endolysin Therapy
  • S10 Microbiome

    Oct 31 (Thu) 13:00-15:00, Halla Hall

    • Shuang-Jiang Liu (Shandong University, China)
    • Title: Gut Microbial Strain Resources and Potential Beneficials to Host Health
  • S11 Engineering of Biocatalysts: Enzymes and Cells

    Oct 31 (Thu) 13:00-15:00, Samda Hall

    • Adrian J. Mulholland (University of Bristol, UK)
    • Title: Simulations to Understand Enzyme Evolution and Drug Resistance
    • Eui-Jeon Woo (KRIBB)
    • Title: Protein Design of the Stevioside Converting Enzyme for Activity and Stability
    • Eun Yeol Lee (Kyung Hee University)
    • Title: Engineering Perspectives on Methanotrophs for Methane Bioconversion
    • Soo-Jin Yeom (Chonnam National University)
    • Title: Discovery of New Biocatalyst for Hydrocarbon-based Plastics Biodegradation
  • S15 Environmental Microbiology

    Oct 31 (Thu) 16:00-18:00, Halla Hall

    • Toyofuku Masanori (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
    • Title: Bacterial Quantal Secretion through Membrane Vesicles
    • Jeremy D. Semrau (University of Michigan, USA)
    • Title: Unexpected Implications and Applications of Methanotrophy
  • S16 Structure and Function of Microbial Proteins

    Oct 31 (Thu) 16:00-18:00, Samda Hall

    • Gad Frankel (Imperial College London, UK)
    • Title: Do Plasmids Pick a Bacterial Partner before Committing to Conjugation


  • S1 Microbiome Interactions and Health Impacts: From Gut to Skin View

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 15:00-17:00, Halla Hall

    Chair : Doo-Sang Park (KRIBB) & Min-Soo Kim (Chungnam National University)

    15:00-15:30 Chul-Ho Lee KRIBB
    Akkermansia muciniphila-Derived Amuc_1409 Protein Improves Gut Health through Intestinal Stem Cell Regulation
    15:30-16:00 Eun-Ji Song Korea Food Research Institute
    Applications of the Human Gut Microbiome Information in Koreans: Towards Precision Nutrition and Healthcare
    16:00-16:30 Jimin Cha Yonsei University
    Skin Microbe-dependent TSLP-ILC2 Priming Axis in Early Life is Co-opted in Allergic Inflammation
    16:30-17:00 Hyun Sik Kim Kyung Hee University
    Gut Commensal Microbe Regulated by Host Imd Signaling Pathway Accelerates Adult Emergence in Female Fruit Fly
  • S2 Host-pathogen Crosstalk: From Molecule to Physiology View

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 15:00-17:00, Samda Hall

    Chair : Wonsik Lee (Sungkyunkwan University) & Jinki Yeom (Seoul National University)

    15:00-15:25 Yuan Qiao Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
    Deciphering the Bacterial-Fungal Crosstalk in the Gut Microbiota with Chemical Biology Tools
    15:25-15:50 Shu-Jung Chang National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    Exploring Host-pathogen Interactions: Unmasking a Salmonella Genotoxin’s Assault on Mitochondria
    15:50-16:15 Jaekyung Hyun Sungkyunkwan University
    Unravelling of Complex Poxvirus Structures Using Cryo-electron Microscopy
    16:15-16:40 Jungyeon Kim Seoul National University
    Multi-omics Approaches to Enhance Metabolic Activities of Microorganisms
    16:40-16:55 JuOae Chang Sungkyunkwan University
    Intracellular and Intra-organ Host Environments Differentially Shape the Survival Fitness Fitness of Staphylococcus aureus
  • S3 Microbial Survival Systems View

    Co-organized by Science Research Center for Microbial Survival Systems

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 15:00-17:00, Rm 303

    Chair : Hyun Ah Kang (Chung-Ang University) & Che Ok Jeon (Chung-Ang University)

    15:00-15:20 Eunkyoung Shin Daegu Catholic University
    AmiC Modulates RNase E-Mediated Decay of the Small RNA SgrS during Glucose Phosphate Stress in Escherichia coli
    15:20-15:40 Bo-Ram Jang Sogang University
    An Extracellular Lipoprotein Released from OMV Enhances Biofilm Maturation via Specific Interaction with Exopolysaccharides
    15:40-16:00 Catia Mota Chung-Ang University
    Evolutionary Unique N-Glycan-dependent Glycoprotein Quality Control System Is Critical for Cellular Fitness and Extracellular Vesicle Transport in Cryptococcus neoformans
    16:00-16:20 Jeong Hwan Joo Chung-Ang University
    Direct Interaction of RPA with Rad52 Regulate Meiotic Recombination
    16:20-16:40 Jeong Min Kim Chung-Ang University
    Elucidation of Core Bacterial Communities and Their Metabolic Characteristics in the Phycosphere of Marine Algae
    16:40-17:00 Yong-Hyun Lim Chung-Ang University
    The Role of KIF18A in Antiviral Immune Responses
  • S4 Present and Future of Bacteriophage Research View

    Sponsored by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant, funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (RS-2024-00342735)

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 15:00-17:00, Rm 302

    Chair : Minsik Kim (Yonsei University)

    15:00-15:30 Sangryeol Ryu Seoul National University *Keynote Speaker*
    Grand Challenges in Phage and Endolysin Therapy
    15:30-15:55 You-Hee Cho CHA University
    Defense Mechanisms against RNA Phages in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    15:55-16:25 Longzhu Cui Jichi Medical University, Japan
    Phage-based Strategies for Targeting Refractory Bacterial Infections
    16:25-16:45 Sang Jun Lee Chung-Ang University
    CRISPR-Cas System: From Phage Defense to Genome Editing to Bacterial Attack
    16:45-17:05 Jaewoo Bai Seoul Women's University
    Innovative Strategies for Enhancing the Efficacy of Bacteriophage and Endolysin
  • S5 Probiotics 2.0: Exploring the Future of Next Generation Probiotics View

    Sponsored by BioBankHealing Corp.

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 15:00-17:00, Rm 301

    Chair : Nam Su Oh (Korea University) & Hakdong Shin (Sejong University)

    15:00-15:30 Jung-Hwan Lee Inha University Hospital
    Advancing Microbiome Therapies: Innovations in Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Beyond Clostridioides difficile Infection
    15:30-16:00 Tae-Gyu Lim Sejong University
    Development of a Synbiotic Agent Using a Novel High-throughput Screening System
    16:00-16:30 Sung Wook Hong World Institute of Kimchi
    From Probiotics to Postbiotics: Key to Functional Foods and Health
    16:30-17:00 Wonsuk Lee BioBankHealing Corp.
    From FMT to Next Generation Probiotics: Current Strategies and Progress in Future NGP Drug Development
  • S6 Engineering Biology: The Dominant Approach to Engineer Biosystems for Bioeconomy View

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 09:00-11:00, Halla Hall

    Chair : Byung-Kwan Cho (KAIST) & Dong-Woo Lee (Yonsei University)

    09:00-09:20 Eung-Soo Kim Inha University
    Microbial Enzyme Application for RNA Engineering
    09:20-09:40 Sung Sun Yim KAIST
    Multiplex Transcriptional Characterizations across Diverse Bacterial Species Using Cell-free Systems
    09:40-10:00 Hyun Gyu Lim Inha University
    Systems and Synthetic Biology for Efficient Microbial Cell Factory Engineering
    10:00-10:20 Sangrak Jin Yeungnam University
    Development of Highly Efficient C1 Gas-utilizing Microorganism Based on Synthetic Biology
    10:20-10:35 Kangsan Kim KAIST
    Systems and Synthetic Biology Approaches to Engineer Gut Commensal for Potential Therapeutic Applications
    10:35-10:50 Jae-Yoon Sung Yonsei University
    A Strategic Blueprint for the Domestication of Geobacillus stearothermophilus as a Thermophilic Platform Cell using the DNMB Suite
  • S7 From Shadow to Petri Dish: Breakthroughs in Culturing Elusive Microorganisms View

    Co-organized by Korean Collection for Type Cultures

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 09:00-11:00, Samda Hall

    Chair : Song-Gun Kim (KRIBB)

    09:00-09:30 Sung-Keun Rhee Chungbuk National University
    Culturing Novel Microbes Relevant to Environment: Nitrifiers and Methanotrophs
    09:30-10:00 Wen-Jun Li Sun Yat-Sen University, China
    Microbial Dark Matter Mining: Challenges and Opportunities
    10:00-10:30 Takashi Itoh RIKEN BRC JCM, Japan
    How Culture Collections Diversify the Microbial Resources
    10:30-11:00 Kae Kyoung Kwon KIOST
    Exploration of Chemolithotrophs and Thermophiles from Marine Environments; An Omnibus Story
  • S8 Development of Vaccines against New and Variant Infectious Diseases View

    Co-organized by Professional Training Program for Infectious Disease Research (MIST)

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 09:00-11:00, Rm 303

    Chair : In Seop Kim (Hannam University)

    09:00-09:05 In Seop Kim Hannam University
    Introducing the“Open Industrial Workforce Retraining Program for Infectious Disease Response”
    09:05-09:35 Jaehwan Lim Andong University
    Korea Advanced Vaccine Development Center (KAVAD) Roles in Pandemic Preparedness
    09:35-10:05 Woo Ghil Lee RNAGENE Inc.
    Development of Innovative Vaccine and Safe Therapeutic by mRNA Technology
    10:05-10:30 Joosung James Yang ST Pharm
    10:30-11:00 Chang-Yuil Kang Cellid Co., Ltd..
    Strategy to Develop Updated COVID-19 Vaccines Based on Ad5/35 Platform for Effective Response to Emerging Variants
  • S9 Agricultural and Livestock Industrialization Based Microbiome View

    Sponsored by 농림축산식품부/농림식품기술기획평가원/농생명마이크로바이옴혁신기술기반구축사업 & 과학기술정보통신부/한국연구재단/다부처 국가생명연구자원 선진화사업

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 09:00-11:00, Rm 302

    Chair : Pyoung Il Kim (Center for Industrialization of Agricultural and Livestock Microorganisms)

    09:00-09:30 Hyun Gi Kong Chungbuk National University
    Changes in Microbiota Composition Due to Crop Rotation of Tomatoes and Rice
    09:30-10:00 Kihyuck Choi Dong-A University
    Unraveling the Role of Seed Endophytes in Shaping Tomato Health
    10:00-10:30 Ju Huck Lee KRIBB
    Animal Gut Microbiome Bank (AGMB)
    10:30-11:00 Yangseon Kim Center for Industrialization of Agriculture and Livestock Microorganisms
    The Effects of Selected Synbiotics on Gut Microbiota, and Short-chain Fatty Acid Production of Weaned Pigs
  • S10 Microbiome View

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 13:00-15:00, Halla Hall

    Chair : Hana Yi (Korea University)

    13:00-13:15 Han Na Oh Ajou University School of Medicine
    Effect of Enterotype-dependent Stability of the Gut Microbiome on Post-gastrectomy Malnutrition in Gastric Cancer Patients
    13:15-13:50 Baolei Jia Xianghu Laboratory, China
    Discovery and Annotation of Proteins from Microbiome
    13:50-14:25 Maliheh Mershad Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
    Multipartite Parasitic Interactions in the Aquatic Food Web: Modulating Gene Exchange and Carbon Flow
    14:25-15:00 Shuang-Jiang Liu Shandong University, China *Keynote Speaker*
    Gut Microbial Strain Resources and Potential Beneficials to Host Health
  • S11 Engineering of Biocatalysts: Enzymes and Cells *Keynote Session* View

    Sponsored by the Next-generation Biorefinery Platform Technologies Development Program (NRF, MSIT)

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 13:00-15:00, Samda Hall

    Chair : Bong Hyun Sung (KRIBB)

    13:00-13:30 Adrian J. Mulholland University of Bristol, UK
    Simulations to Understand Enzyme Evolution and Drug Resistance
    13:30-14:00 Eui-Jeon Woo KRIBB
    Protein Design of the Stevioside Converting Enzyme for Activity and Stability
    14:00-14:30 Eun Yeol Lee Kyung Hee University
    Engineering Perspectives on Methanotrophs for Methane Bioconversion
    14:30-15:00 Soo-Jin Yeom Chonnam National University
    Discovery of New Biocatalyst for Hydrocarbon-based Plastics Biodegradation
  • S12 Exploring Basic Mechanisms and Applications in Viral Immunology, Vaccines, and Therapeutics View

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 13:00-15:00, Rm 303

    Chair : Yong Seok Jeong (Kyung Hee University) & Jeong Yoon Lee (Jeonbuk National University)

    13:00-13:30 Takashi Fujita Kyoto University, Japan
    Physiological Functions of RIG-I Like Receptors
    13:30-13:55 Jinjong Myoung Jeonbuk National University
    A Rationally Designed Live Attenuated Vaccine Induces Strong Mucosal Responses and Complete Protection against SARS-CoV-2
    13:55-14:20 Ji-Seung Yoo Kyungpook National University
    A Novel Approach for Controlling Pulmonary Diseases by Targeting the Newly Identified Lung-specific Immunoreceptor
    14:20-14:45 Heeju Ryu Sungkyunkwan University
    High-dimensional Analysis of Virus-specific T Cell Responses by Mass Cytometry
    14:45-15:00 Uni Park Seoul National University
    A Humanized ACE2 Mouse Model Recapitulating Age- and Sex-dependent Immunopathogenesis of COVID-19
  • S13 Fungal Genetics and Biology View

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 13:00-15:00, Rm 302

    Chair : Kyung-Tae Lee (Jeonbuk National University)

    13:00-13:30 Jaeyoung Choi Kyung Hee University
    Molecular Features and Intelligent Modeling for Classification of Fungal Lifestyles
    13:30-14:00 Kyung-Tae Lee Jeonbuk National University
    Discovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Drug Resistance Principles through Clinical Fungal Isolates
    14:00-14:30 Dong-Hoon Yang Yonsei University MIRAE Campus
    Factors Influencing the Nitrogen-source Dependent Flucytosine Resistance in Cryptococcus Species
    14:30-14:50 Sieun Kim National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science
    Identification of Essential Genes for the Establishment of Spray-induced Gene Silencing (SIGS)-based Disease Control in Fusarium graminearum
  • S14 Unravelling the Relationship between the Gut Microbiome and Skin Health: Gut-Skin-Immune Axis View

    Sponsored by Research Collaboration Center for K-Beauty

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 13:00-15:00, Rm 301

    Chair : Ju-Hoon Lee (Seoul National University) & Hyeun Bum Kim (Dankook University)

    13:00-13:30 Younghoon Kim Seoul National University
    Extracellular Vesicles of Limosilactobacillus fermentum SLAM216 Ameliorate Skin Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis by Regulating Gut Microbiome on Serotonin Metabolism
    13:30-14:00 Hyeun Bum Kim Dankook University
    Probiotics as Supplemental Preventive and Therapeutic Agents against Primary Dysmenorrhea
    14:00-14:30 Nam Su Oh Korea University
    Characterization of Exopolysaccharide Produced by Probiotics and Its Protective Effects on Skin Damage
    14:30-15:00 Hakdong Shin Sejong University
    Integrating Metabolomics Analysis in Synbiotics Research: Unveiling Postbiotics’ Role in Skin Wrinkle Reduction
  • S15 Environmental Microbiology View

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 16:00-18:00, Halla Hall

    Chair : Woojun Park (Korea University)

    16:00-16:30 Jeremy D. Semrau University of Michigan, USA *Keynote Speaker*
    Unexpected Implications and Applications of Methanotrophy
    16:30-17:00 Kang Soo Lee UNIST
    Raman-based Identification and Isolation of Microorganisms of Interest in Complex Microbial Communities
    17:00-17:30 Toyofuku Masanori University of Tsukuba, Japan *Keynote Speaker*
    Bacterial Quantal Secretion through Membrane Vesicles
    17:30-18:00 Woojun Park Korea University
    Polymyxin B-Induced Alteration in Bacterial Cell Membranes
  • S16 Structure and Function of Microbial Proteins View

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 16:00-18:00, Samda Hall

    Chair : Jinki Yeom (Seoul National University)

    16:00-16:30 Gad Frankel Imperial College London, UK *Keynote Speaker*
    Do Plasmids Pick a Bacterial Partner before Committing to Conjugation?
    16:30-17:00 Yoon-Mo Yang Hanyang University
    Managing the Number of Specialized Ribosomes
    17:00-17:30 Junseock Koh Seoul National University
    Activation of Zinc Uptake Regulator by Zinc Binding to Three Regulatory Sites
    17:30-17:45 Da-Woon Bae Ewha Womans University
    An Archaeal Transcription Factor EnfR with a Novel ‘Eighth Note’ Fold Controls Hydrogen Production of a Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Thermococcus onnurineus NA1
    17:45-18:00 Umji Choi Myoungji University
    PhoPQ-Mediated Modification of the Lipopolysaccharide Inner Core Affects Intrinsic Resistance to Tetracycline Antibiotics and Bile Salts in Escherichia coli
  • S17 Innovative Approaches to Microbiome-Human Interactions Using Next Generation Sequencing View

    Sponsored by Sanigen Co., Ltd

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 16:00-18:00, Rm 303

    Chair : Hakdong Shin (Sejong University) & Bokyung Son (Dong-A University)

    16:00-16:30 Woongjae Yoo POSTECH
    Inflammation-mediated Microbiota Killing Drives Aspartate-dependent Salmonella Typhimurium Expansion in the Inflamed Gut
    16:30-17:00 Han Young Chung Chungnam National University
    RBC Interplay in Pathogen-induced Thrombosis
    17:00-17:30 Ye-Ji Bang Seoul National University
    Molecular Mechanisms of the Intestinal Epithelium in Regulating Nutrient-Microbiota-Immune Interactions
    17:30-18:00 Jinho Choi Sanigen Co., Ltd
    DATA Driven Foodborne Pathogen Detection Using NGS Technology and Its Modification
  • S18 IVI session - Advances in Vaccine Technology View

    Sponsored by International Vaccine Institute

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 16:00-18:00, Rm 302

    Chair : Manki Song (IVI) & Jae-Ouk Kim (IVI)

    16:00-16:30 Jae Seung Yang International Vaccine Institute
    Salmonella Typhi Vi-Specific Serological Profiling among Children, Adolescent, and Adults after Typhoid Vaccination
    16:30-17:00 Hyukjin Lee Ewha Womans University
    Development of Immune Modulating Ionizable Lipids and Their LNP Formulation for mRNA Vaccines and Therapeutics
    17:00-17:30 Jooyoung Kim QuadMedicine, Inc.
    Advancing Vaccine Delivery: Microneedle Array Patches for Enhanced mRNA Vaccine Stability and Efficacy
    17:30-18:00 Gi-Sub Choi CLIPS BnC
    Development of 4-Valent Vaccine Conferring Optimal Protection against Pore-forming Toxins of Staphylococcus aureus
  • S19 Bio-Biz Festival View

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 16:00-18:00, Rm 301

    Chair : Seung-Hwan Park (KRIBB)

    16:00-16:30 Sang Sun Yoon Yonsei University/BioMe Inc.
    Microbiome Therapeutics: The "Molecule-First" Strategy for Targeted Interventions
    16:30-17:00 YuJeong Gho DAON BioSciences Inc.
    Resolving Biology with Scalable, Single Cell Multiomic Solutions
    17:00-17:30 Kyung-yun Kim Insilicogen, Inc.
    Comprehensive Bioinformatics Solution for Microbial Genomics, Metagenomics
    17:30-18:00 Byung-Yong Kim CKD Healthcare
    The Career Path of Microbiologists to Being a Corporate Researcher
  • S20 Microbial Ecology View

    2024-11-01 (Fri) 09:00-11:00, Halla Hall

    Chair : Kae Kyoung Kwon (KIOST)

    09:00-09:30 Seonki Lee National Korea Maritime & Ocean University
    Biofilm Control by Metazoa in Membrane Systems for Wastewater Treatment
    09:30-10:00 Jin-Kyung Hong Chonnam National University
    Assessment of Ecological Disturbance through Phenotypic Dynamics of Groundwater Microbiome
    10:00-10:30 Jong-Geol Kim Wonkwang University
    Isolation of Novel Archaeal Virus Infecting Marine Ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaea
    10:30-11:00 Tatsuya Unno Chungbuk National University
    Application of WGS for Source Tracking for Antibiotic Resistance (STAR)
  • S21 Recent Advances in the Molecular Biology of Microbes in Host Environments View

    2024-11-01 (Fri) 09:00-11:00, Samda Hall

    Chair : Eun-Jin Lee (Korea University)

    09:00-09:25 Jung-Shin Lee Kangwon National University
    The Role of Histone Modifications in Regulating Responses to External Signals in Candida albicans
    09:25-09:50 Kyoung-Dong Kim Chung-Ang University
    Dynamic 3D Genome Reorganization in Response to Environmental Stress
    09:50-10:15 Cheol-Sang Hwang Korea University
    The Formylmethionine Ribosome Quality Control Pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Cold Adaptation
    10:15-10:40 Byoung Sik Kim Ewha Womans University
    MARTX Toxin, the Primary Virulence Factor Produced in Vibrio vulnificus
    10:40-10:55 Soomin Choi Korea University
    A Salmonella Type II TA Module Leads to Formation of Persister Cells inside Host

GS Forum

  • GS1 Graduate Students' Forum 1 View

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 12:00-14:00, Halla Hall

    Chair: Minsik Kim (Yonsei University) & Ju Huck Lee (KRIBB)

    12:00-12:08 Kanika Mahra Kyungpook National University
    Enhancing Gut Health: The Impact of Seed Mucilage Prebiotics on Infant and Adult Microbiomes
    12:08-12:16 Gi Beom Keum Dankook University
    Gut Microbiome Modulation by Cellulose-degrading Bacteria for Enhancing Gut Health and Growth Performance in Mouse Model
    12:16-12:24 Sondor Ganbat Silla University
    Polyhydroxyalkanoate Production in Halophilic Marine Bacteria and Assessing Bioplastics Biodegradability
    12:24-12:32 Ikwhan Kim Kyungpook National University
    Metagenomic Profiling of Age-related Changes in Facial Skin Microbiome
    12:32-12:40 Jae-Yun Lee Kyung Hee University
    Gut Microbiome in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Varies by Premotor Rapid-eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorders Status
    12:40-12:48 Soo-Jeong Lee Seoul National University
    Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Ameliorates Inflammatory Bowel Disease through Gut Microbiota-dependent Modulation of NLRP6 Inflammasome Signaling
    12:48-12:56 Shin-Yae Choi CHA University
    CRISPR-guided Platforms for Functional Research and Engineering of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Phages
    12:56-13:04 So-Yeon Jin Seoul National University
    Evaluation of Potential Probiotics Candidates with Anti-allergic Effect to Alleviate Mast Cell Degranulation and Food Allergy Symptoms in Balb/c Mouse Model
    13:04-13:12 Tino Bashizi Kyungpook National University
    Halotolerant Beneficial Bacteria Alleviate Salinity Stress in Maize by Modulating Soil Microbiome
    13:12-13:20 YunHyeok Jang Changwon National University
    Understanding the Influence of a Foliicolous Lichen on the Endophytic Mycobiome Using a Metabarcoding Approach
    13:20-13:28 Su-Won Jeong Kyung Hee University
    Gut Microbiome–Creatine Synergistic Effects against Obesity
  • GS2 Graduate Students' Forum 2 View

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 12:00-14:00, Samda Hall

    Chair: Hyunjin Yoon (Ajou University) & Jeong Yoon Lee (Jeonbuk National University)

    12:00-12:08 Yunjeong Kim Ewha Womans University
    Identification and Validation of Small Molecule Inhibitor Targeting Biofilm Formation Regulator CsgD
    12:08-12:16 Ji Seon Kim Seoul National University
    Reassessing the Diversity of Penicillium in Marine Environments with the Proposal of Twelve New Species
    12:16-12:24 Jihye Yang Korea University
    Accumulated Peptidoglycan Turnover Products Lead to Excessive Outer Membrane Vesicle Production in Salmonella Typhimurium 14028S
    12:24-12:32 Ji-Hoon Kim Sungkyunkwan University
    The Potential of C-di-AMP as a Druggable Target for Reversing β-Lactam Resistance in MRSA
    12:32-12:40 GyuDae Lee Kyungpook National University
    The Impact of Gut Microbiome on Type 2 Diabetes Improvement: Insights from Roux-en-Y Reconstruction after Gastrectomy
    12:40-12:48 Juhui Jang Sejong University
    Modulation of Gut Microbiota and Metabolites by Laminarin during In Vitro Human Fecal Fermentation: Bacteroides as a Potential Key Decomposer
    12:48-12:56 Jihyeon Min Korea University
    Sweet Food, Bitter Life: Glucose-mediated Acidic Stress Compromises the Membrane Integrity in Clinical Acinetobacter baumannii
    12:56-13:04 Sohee Park Sungkyunkwan University
    A Periplasmic Protein Modulates the Proteolysis of Peptidoglycan Hydrolases to Maintain Cell Wall Homeostasis in Escherichia coli
    13:04-13:12 Jam-Eon Park KRIBB
    Optimal Selection of Bacteria-mediated Delivery to Enhance Therapeutic Efficacy in Breast Cancer Models
    13:12-13:20 Geunsoo Jung Sejong University
    Characterization of a Plasmid-dependent Phage for Controlling Antibiotic Resistance Gene-carrying Bacteria in the Gut Microbiota
    13:20-13:28 Da-Ryung Jung Kyungpook National University
    Interplay Between Vaginal Microbiome and High-risk HPV in Cervical Dysplasia
    13:28-13:36 HyeLim Choi Seoul National University
    Fructose-responsive Regulation by FruR in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii for Its Intestinal Colonization
  • GS3 Graduate Students' Forum 3 View

    2024-10-30 (Wed) 12:00-14:00, Rm 303

    Chair: Donghyuk Kim (UNIST) & Yoonjee Chang (Kookmin University)

    12:00-12:08 Youngjin Cho Seoul National University
    Therapeutic Potential of Engineered Endolysin CD27L_EAD against Clostridioides difficile Infection
    12:08-12:16 Hyuna Sung Yonsei University
    Investigation of Inflammation Alleviation in an IBD Mouse Model Using the Butyrate-producing Strain and Tributyrin
    12:16-12:24 Amani Sliti Kyungpook National University
    Metagenomic, Untargeted Metabolomic, and Physicochemical Insights of Korean Fermented Foods
    12:24-12:32 Le My Tieu Ngoc Jeonbuk National University
    Developing Oral Vaccines against Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae
    12:32-12:40 Ji Hyun Lim Seoul National University
    Potential Role of malR-malABC Regulon in Inducing Virulence of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius during Canine Otitis Externa
    12:40-12:48 Chanhee Lee Jeonbuk National University
    Computational Analysis of E4 Gene Evolution in Human Adenovirus Species D
    12:48-12:56 Jeongseok Park Ajou University
    Endolysin PHICD111_20024_EAD as a Potent Therapeutic Agent against Clostridioides difficile Infection
    12:56-13:04 Seong Hyeok Ma Yonsei University
    Genome Editing with Small Prime Editors in Bacteria
    13:04-13:12 Yohannes Ebaubye Andargie Kyungpook National University
    Induced Dysbiosis to Resident Soil Microbial Communities Improves Plant Health by Enabling Exotic Microbial Agents to Prevail in the Rhizosphere
    13:12-13:20 Hyorim Choi Rural Development Administration
    The Diversity and Functional Characterization of Indigenous Bradyrhizobium Isolates in Korea
    13:20-13:28 Se-Young Son Ewha Womans University
    Structural Investigation of the Docking Domain Assembly from trans-AT Polyketide Synthases
    13:28-13:36 Han Eol Yang KRIBB
    Replicating the Human Gut: An In Vitro Co-culture System for Host and Anaerobic Microbial Interaction
  • GS4 Graduate Students' Forum 4 View

    Co-organized by BET Research Institute, Chung-Ang University & Institute of Microbiomics, Chung-Ang University

    2024-11-01 (Fri) 09:00-11:00, Rm 303

    Chair : Keun Pil Kim (Chung-Ang University) & Jae-Ouk Kim (IVI)

    09:00-09:08 Ho Joung Lee Chung-Ang University
    Control of Lysogeny Formation in Escherichia coli Using CRISPR-Cas12f1-Armed Synthetic λ Bacteriophages
    09:08-09:16 Sia Han Pusan National University
    Anti-prion System in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Innate Immunity to Inside-the-Cell Risk
    09:16-09:24 Jiyoung Yoon Korea Polar Research Institute
    Comparison of Microbial Diversity Applied to Amplicon Sequencing Variant and High-throughput Cultivation in Lakes of Maritime Antarctica
    09:24-09:32 Joon-gi Kwon Seoul National University
    Mannitol Metabolism as a Key Factor in the Pathogenicity of Vibrio vulnificus Biotype 1C
    09:32-09:40 Gyeong-Min Kim Pusan National University
    Selenium Nanoparticles Synthesized by Lactobacillus plantarum as a Gram-positive Selective Bactericidal Agent
    09:40-09:48 Song Hee Jeong Chung-Ang University
    Microbial Precise Genome Editing Using Truncated sgRNA and Paired Cas9-NG Nickase
    09:48-09:56 Yunjeong Kim Seoul National University
    Pangenome Analysis-based Real-Time PCR for Rapid Quantification of 19 Live Probiotics in Real Food
    09:56-10:04 Min Suk Jang Pusan National University
    Three Ribosomal Subunit Proteins as Candidates for Anti-prion Components in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
    10:04-10:12 Subin Lee Korea Polar Research Institute
    A Method Evaluation for Analyzing Microbial Communities in Ice Cores of Styx Glacier, Antarctica
    10:12-10:20 Suon Jeong Chung-Ang University
    Gain-of-Function Mutation in the Galactitol-specific GatC Transporter Facilitates Glucose Uptake in E. coli
    10:20-10:28 Eui-Seong Kim Jeonbuk National University
    Molecular Identification of Cryptococcus Isolated from Korean Patients and Discovery of Drug Resistance Mechanism


  • W1 R을 활용한 미생물 분석 - 기초, R Course Workshop – Basic

    Oct 30 (Wed) 12:00-14:00, Rm 302

    • Tae Kwon Lee (Yonsei University)
    • 강의내용: 자료 가공, ggplot, t-test, ANOVA, 상관관계
    • 비 고: 신청자 개인 노트북 지참(프로그램 설치방법 추후 안내)
  • W2 문헌과 서열 정보 데이터베이스 활용, Literature and Sequence Databases

    Oct 30 (Wed) 12:00-14:00, Rm 301

    • Yoonsoo Hahn (Chung-Ang University)
    • 강의내용:
       1. PubMed 데이터베이스 활용
          - 검색 필드를 활용한 쿼리의 효율적 작성
          - MyNCBI를 활용한 PubMed 검색의 저장 및 자동 알림 설정
        2. NCBI Gene 데이터베이스 활용
          - 쿼리의 효율적 작성 및 참조 데이터베이스 링크 활용
        3. NCBI Taxonomy 데이터베이스 활용
          - 종 및 계통학적 검색 및 관련 정보의 접근
        4. NCBI Nucleotide 데이터베이스 활용
          - 서열 정보의 효율적 검색 및 확보
        5. UniProt 데이터베이스 활용
          - 검색 오퍼레이터를 활용한 효율적 쿼리의 작성
          - 정보의 열람 및 참조 데이터베이스 링크 활용
    • 비 고: 신청자 개인 노트북 지참
  • W3 초보자를 위한 미생물 유전체 분석법, Beginner’s Guide to the Bacterial Genome Analysis

    Oct 31 (Thu) 09:00-11:00, Rm 301

    • Sang-Cheol Park (Korea University)
    • 강의내용:
        1. 유전체 분석 소개
          - 미생물 유전체 분석의 필요성
          - 미생물 유전체 특징
          - 유전체 분석을 위한 환경설정 및 필요 사항(리눅스 및 파이썬 명령어)
        2. 박테리아 유전체 분석: 염기서열 결정부터 주석 달기까지
          - NGS 플랫폼 별 특징
          - 서열 데이터 QC 및 통계량
          - 유전체 분석의 핵심 용어 및 알고리즘
          - 유전체 주석 달기 (annotation) 및 관련 프로그램
        3. 분류학적 동정
          - 미생물의 종의 개념
          - 분류학적 마커 설명 (16S rRNA) 및 동정 방법
          - 동정을 위한 데이터 베이스와 분석 방법
        4. 비교 유전체학
          - 비교유전체의 핵심 개념
          - 비교 유전체 분석
    • 비 고: 신청자 개인 노트북 지참
  • W4 대사네트워크 모델링과 시뮬레이션, Modeling and Simulation of Metabolic Networks

    Nov 1 (Fri) 09:00-11:00, Rm 302

    • Sung Ho Yoon (Konkuk University)
    • 강의내용 :
        1. 대사네트워크 모델링
          - Metabolism & metabolic flux
          - Genome-scale metabolic network model
          - Constraint-based model
        2. 대사네트워크 시뮬레이션
          - Flux balance analysis (FBA)
          - Gene deletion analysis
          - Strain optimization
        3. 대사네트워크 분석실습
          - Phenotype simulations
          - Critical genes/reactions
          - Flux variability analysis
          - Strain optimization
    • 비 고: 신청자 개인 노트북 지참
  • W5 단백질 구조 예측 활용, Utilization of Protein Structure Prediction

    Nov 1 (Fri) 09:00-11:00, Rm 301

    • Kwang-Hyun Park (KRIBB)
    • 강의내용:
        1. 인공지능 기반 구조 예측
          - 코랩 기반의 알파폴드2 활용
          - 알파폴드3 서버를 이용한 다양한 구조 예측
        2. 인공지능 기반 단백질 디자인
          - 고정된 골격에서의 서열 디자인
          - 확산 모델을 통한 골격 디자인
          - 인공지능-열역학 기반 결합 단백질 디자인 전략
    • 비 고: 신청자 개인 노트북 지참

Luncheon Symposium

  • LS1 Luncheon Symposium 1

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 12:00-13:00, Halla Hall

    • Taewook Kim (CJ Bioscience, Inc.)
    • Title: Introduction to Shotgun Metagenome Analysis and Reporting
  • LS2 Luncheon Symposium 2

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 12:00-13:00, Samda Hall

    • Kyoungwoo Jang (Illumina Korea)
    • Title: The Latest Next-generation Sequencing Innovations
    • In this seminar you will hear from Illumina experts focusing on next-generation sequencing (NGS) with smaller scale applications, XLEAP-SBS™ chemistry and DRAGEN™ analysis. You will learn about fast and simple sequencing workflows available to you with new, innovative Illumina solutions.
  • LS3 Luncheon Symposium 3

    2024-10-31 (Thu) 12:00-13:00, Rm303

    • Seong Min Baek (Clinical Microbiomics)
    • Title: Introduction of Advanced Microbiome Analysis Software Platform CosmosID-HUB
  • 개요 Guide

    • 포스터 발표자(1저자)는 반드시 사전등록 후 포스터 초록을 접수해야 합니다.
      • The poster presenter(First Author) must register to attend the conference.
    • 포스터 초록은 접수 기한 내에만 수정 가능합니다.
      • The authors could revise and delete the submitting abstract until the deadline.
    • 발표분야 확정 후 반드시 본인의 포스터 번호와 게시 시간을 확인하시기 바랍니다.
      • Please check the poster number and presentation time after verifying the category.
    • 포스터 발표자는 포스터 발표시간에 Q&A를 위해 반드시 포스터 앞에 서 있어야 합니다.
      • Poster presenters must stand in front of their posters for Q&A with participants during the allotted presentation time.
    • 탈착 시간 내에 제거되지 않은 포스터는 폐기되며, 사무국에서는 분실 및 훼손에 대해 책임지지 않습니다.
      • Any posters remaining after the close of poster presentations will be discarded. MSK is not responsible for any losses or damages.
    • 학술대회 폐회식에서 우수포스터를 선정하여 상장과 상금을 수여합니다.
      • Students who have made outstanding contributions will be awarded the Best Poster Award. Recipients will be gifted a prize and certificate of award during closing remarks.

  • 포스터 제작 기준 Presentation

    • 포스터는 영어로 작성해야 합니다.
      • Posters must be prepared in English.
    • 포스터는 초록, 서론, 방법, 결과, 고찰, 참고문헌 순서로 작성해 주기 바랍니다.
      • The poster presentation must cover all key aspects of the work and contain the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results (Figures and Tables), Discussion, and References.
    • 초록은 공백 포함 1,500자 이내로 제한합니다.
      • Abstracts must not exceed 1,500 characters, including spaces.
    • 포스터는 세로 형태이고, 크기는 가로 90 cm × 세로 150 cm로 제한합니다.
      • Posters must be portrait(vertical) orientation, with maximum dimensions of 90 cm wide × 150 cm high.
    • 포스터 초록은 학회 홈페이지에 게재됩니다. 특허 관련으로 문제가 발생하지 않도록 작성하여 제출해주시기 바랍니다.
      • Abstracts will be posted on the website. Please keep this in mind and submit your abstract to avoid any problems with patents.

    • 예시
      • Examples of poster posting

  • 포스터 게시 및 발표Poster posting and presentation date

    • Poster posting and presentation date
      • - Poster presentation 1
      • Category Posting Presentation Reception
        10.30(Wed) 13:00 – 10.31(Thu) 11:00 10.30(Wed) 18:00-18:30 10.30(Wed) 18:30-19:30
      • - Poster presentation 2
      • Category Posting Presentation Reception
        10.31(Thu) 13:00 – 11.01(Fri) 11:00 10.31(Thu) 18:00-18:30 10.31(Thu) 18:30-19:30

    • Venue
      • - 3F, ICCJEJU

  • 발표분야 Category

    • A. 미생물분류 / Systematics
    • B. 생태,환경미생물학 / Ecology and Environmental Microbiology
    • C. 응용미생물학 / Applied Microbiology
    • D. 면역,병원미생물학 / Immunology and Microbial Pathogenesis
    • E. 생리,생화학 / Physiology and Biochemistry
    • F. 미생물유전학 / Genetics
    • G. 생물공학 / Biotechnology
    • H. 기타 / Others

  • 전시
  • 광고
  • 후원
  • 공문
  • 안내서
  • 신청서
  • 참가비

    구분 독립부스 조립부스
    1부스 2,600,000원 3,000,000원
    2부스 4,600,000원 5,300,000원
    3부스 6,500,000원 7,500,000원
    4부스 8,300,000원 9,600,000원
    기타 전기 기본 1kw 제공
    * 추가 신청시 1kw당 22,000원 별도 청구
    와이파이 무료 제공
    전시부스 방문자를 대상으로 학회 주관 이벤트 진행
    바코드 전자방명록 시스템을 사용하여 행사 종료 2주 내 참관객 명단 제공
    1부스당 2인 무료 등록
  • 부스형태

    독립부스 조립부스
    TYPE-1 TYPE-2  
    독립부스 자체 시스템 부스 조립부스
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        06:00 ~ 21:40
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        공항에서 ICC JEJU까지 편도(성인) 4,500원

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