Title 한국산 Aspergilli에 대한 분류학적 연구
Author 이배함 · 김상재 · 이호원
Address 건국대학교 이공대 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 6(1),6-11, 1968
Key Words The taxonomical studies of Korean Aspergilli
Abstract Through the present experiment the various Aspergilli have been isolated from 53 Meju specimens (fermented soy bean cake) which were collected from 43 local areas in Korea and those of them are arranged as 6 different groups: Asp. flavus-oryzae group (38 strains), Asp. niger group (11 strains) Asp. nidulans group (5 strains), Asp. clavatus group (4 strains), Asp. fumigatus group (3 strains), and Asp. ochraceus group (2 strains), as the result of identification of them by the group key of Thom and Raper. Further identifications of them according to the species keys of Thom and Raper, Yamata and Sakakuchi have been also conducted and the results obtained are following as: 1. Group members (38) of Asp. flavus-oryzae group are identified as. Asp. oryzae, Asp. oryzae var. fulvus, Asp. flavus. and Asp. parasiticus, not identified two different strains belong to this group. 2. Group members (11) of Asp. niger group are identified as Asp. niger and Asp. phoenicus. 3. Group members (5) of Asp. nidulans groups are identified as the same species, Asp. nidulans. 4. Group members (4) of Asp. clavatus group are identified as the same species, Asp. clavatits. 5. Group members (3) of Asp. fumigatus group are identified as the same species, Asp. fumigatus. 6. Group members (2) of Asp. ochraceits group are identified as the same species, Asp. sulphereus.
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