Title |
Ammonium thiocyanate 농도가 주정효모(Saccharomyces brenetei Hefe-Rasse 7, Saccharomyces formosensis No. 396 IAM) 및 맥주효모(Saccharomyces cerevisiae IAM)의 발효작용에 미치는 영향 |
Author |
조운복 · 이상태 |
Address |
부산대학교 문리과대학 |
Bibliography |
Korean Journal of Microbiology, 6(1),29-35, 1968 |
Key Words |
The effect of the ammonium thiocyanate on the fermentation of the yeasts.(Saccharomyces brenerei-Hefe-Rasse 7, Saccharomyces formosecsis No. 396 IAM) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae IAM) |
Abstract |
There are many reports on the effect of salts to the fermentation of the yeasts, but there are a few reports on the effect of the ammonium thiocyanate(NH₄CNS) on the fermentation of the yeasts(Saccharomyces brenerei-Hefe-Rasse 7, Saccharomyces formosensis No. 396 IAM and Saccharomyces cerevisiae IAM). A study has been made on the effects of the ammonium thiocyanate on the fermentation of the above yeasts. The results of the research are as belows: 1) The addition of 0. 00001 mol. of ammonium thiocyanate makes the fermentation of the yeast(Sacch. formosensis No. 39 IAM) facilitate, but has not influenced the another yeast (Sacch. brenerei-Hefe-Rasse 7). 2) The addition of 0. 001 mol. of ammonium thiocyanate makes fermentation of Rases 7 the fastest, but the on other yeast (Sacch. formosensis No - 396 IAM) was accelerated by the addition of 0. 1 mol., and it seems to have abnormal fermentation by the addition of 0. 0001 mol. The addition of ammonium thiocyanate(0. 00001-0. 001 mol.) inhibited the fermentatirn of the yeast(Sacch. cerevisiae IAM), but the concentration of 0. 1 mol. does not interrupt the fermentation of Sacch. cerevisiae IAM and increased the fermentation. 3) The order of effects to the fermentation of each yeast is Sacch. brenerei-Hefe-Rasse. 7, Sacch. formosensis No. 396 IAM, Sacch. cerevisiae IAM. |
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