Title 한국산 미기록 백섭병균류에 관한 연구
Author 이호준 · 이배함
Address 건국대학교 이공대 생물학과
Bibliography Korean Journal of Microbiology, 5(1),24-33, 1967
Key Words Unrecorded causal organisms of Korean powdery
Abstract Fifty-two specimens of the infected plants were collected from areas through the country during the year of 1965. We report here 14 unrecorded species which were identified in this work. The results are as follows: 1. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. (Host: Artemisia princeps PAMPAN. var. orien-talls HARA.) 2. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. (Host: Plantago sp.) 3. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. (Host: Sonchus oleraceus L.) 4. Erysiphe pisi DE CANDOLLE. (Host: Lespedeza sp.) 5. Erysiphe polygoni DE CANDOLLE. (Host: Clematis patens MORR et DECAIS.) 6. Microsphaera alphitoides GRIFFITHS et MAUBLANCE (Uncinula bifurcata GERARD.) (Host: Quercus serrate GERARD) 7. Microsphaera baumleri MAGNUS. (Host: Robinia pseud-acacia L.) 8. Microsphaera coryli HOMMA. (Host: Corylus heterophylla FISCH. var. japonica KOIDZUMI) 9. Podosphaera tridactyla (WALLROTH) DE BARY. (Host: Prunus leveilleana KOEHN. var. typica NAKAI) 10. Sphaerotheca fuliginea (SCHLECHTENDAHL) POLLACI. (Host: Impatiens balsamina L.) 11. Sphaerotheca fuliginea (SCHLECHTENDAHL) POLLACI. (Host: Zinnia elegans JACQ) 12. Uncinula aceris SACCARDO (Host: Acer negundo L.) 13. Uncinula fraxini MIYABE(U. salmon SYDOW) (Host: Fraxinus rhynchophyllus HANCE.) 14. Uncinula salicis (DE CANDOLLE) WINTER. (Host: Salix gracilistyla MIQ.)
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