No Title Author Volume Page
1 [MINIREIVEW] Anti-MRSA agent discovery using Caenorhabditis elegans-based high-throughput screening Soo Min Kim1, Iliana Escorbar2, Kiho Lee2, Beth Burgwyn Fuchs2, Eleftherios Mylonakis2, and Wooseong Kim1* vol.58,No.6,2020 431–444
2 Comparative genomics of Lactobacillus species as bee symbionts and description of Lactobacillus bombintestini sp. nov., isolated from the gut of Bombus ignitus Jun Heo, Soo-Jin Kim, Jeong-Seon Kim, Seung-Beom Hong, and Soon-Wo Kwon* vol.58,No.6,2020 445–455
3 Pukyongia salina gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel genus in the family Flavobacteriaceae Young-Sam Kim, Seong-Jin Kim, Yeon Hee Jang, and Kyoung-Ho Kim* vol.58,No.6,2020 456–462
4 Aequoribacter fuscus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Halieaceae, isolated from coastal seawater Shan-Hui Li, Jaeho Song, Ilnam Kang, Juchan Hwang, and Jang-Cheon Cho* vol.58,No.6,2020 463–471
5 Impact of feeding regimens on the composition of gut microbiota and metabolite profiles of plasma and feces from Mongolian sheep Bohui Wang1,2, Yulong Luo1, Rina Su1, Duo Yao1, Yanru Hou1, Chang Liu1, Rui Du1, and Ye Jin1* vol.58,No.6,2020 472–482
6 Cryptic prophages in a blaNDM-1-bearing plasmid increase bacterial survival against high NaCl concentration, high and low temperatures, and oxidative and immunological stressors So Yeon Kim1 and Kwan Soo Ko2* vol.58,No.6,2020 483–488
7 Limiting the pathogenesis of Salmonella Typhimurium with berry phenolic extracts and linoleic acid overproducing Lactobacillus casei Zajeba Tabashsum1, Mengfei Peng2, Cassendra Bernhardt2, Puja Patel1, Michael Carrion1, Shaik O. Rahaman3, and Debabrata Biswas1,2,4* vol.58,No.6,2020 489–498
8 Impact of small RNA RaoN on nitrosative-oxidative stress resistance and virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Sinyeon Kim1,2 and Yong Heon Lee3* vol.58,No.6,2020 499–506
9 Regulation of the AcrAB efflux system by the quorum-sensing regulator AnoR in Acinetobacter nosocomialis Bindu Subhadra1,2, Surya Surendran1,2, Bo Ra Lim1,2, Jong Sung Yim1,2, Dong Ho Kim1,2, Kyungho Woo1,2, Hwa-Jung Kim1,2, Man Hwan Oh3*, and Chul Hee Choi1,2* vol.58,No.6,2020 507–518
10 The osmotic stress response operon betIBA is under the functional regulation of BetI and the quorum-sensing regulator AnoR in Acinetobacter nosocomialis Bindu Subhadra1,2, Surya Surendran1,2, Bo Ra Lim1,2, Jong Sung Yim1,2, Dong Ho Kim1,2, Kyungho Woo1,2, Hwa-Jung Kim1,2, Man Hwan Oh3*, and Chul Hee Choi1,2* vol.58,No.6,2020 519–529