No Title Author Volume Page
1 The “Cins” of Our Fathers: Rejuvenated Interest in Colicins to Combat Drug Resistance Sumudu Upatissa and Robert J. Mitchell* vol.61,No.2,2023 145-158
2 The Revision of Lichen Flora Around Maxwell Bay, King George Island, Maritime Antarctic Jae Eun So1,2, Josef P. Halda3, Soon Gyu Hong1,2, Jae‑Seoun Hur4, and Ji Hee Kim1* vol.61,No.2,2023 159-173
3 Description of Fervidibacillus gen. nov. with Two Species, Fervidibacillus albus sp. nov., and Fervidibacillus halotolerans sp. nov., Isolated from Tidal Flat Sediments and Emendation of Misclassificed Taxa in the Genus Caldibacillus Sung‑Hyun Yang1, Mi‑Jeong Park1, Hyun‑Myung Oh2, and Kae Kyoung Kwon1,3* vol.61,No.2,2023 175-187
4 Fungal Catastrophe of a Specimen Room: Just One Week is Enough to Eradicate Traces of Thousands of Animals Ji Seon Kim, Yoonhee Cho, Chang Wan Seo, Ki Hyung Park, Shin Nam Yoo, Jun Won Lee, Sung Hyun Kim, Wonjun Lee, and Young Woon Lim* vol.61,No.2,2023 189-197
5 Transcriptome‑based Mining of the Constitutive Promoters for Tuning Gene Expression in Aspergillus oryzae Kobkul Laoteng, Jutamas Anantayanon, Chanikul Chutrakul, Sarocha Panchanawaporn, and Sukanya Jeennor* vol.61,No.2,2023 199-210
6 Relaxed Cleavage Specificity of Hyperactive Variants of Escherichia coli RNase E on RNA I Dayeong Bae, Hana Hyeon, Eunkyoung Shin, Ji‑Hyun Yeom*, and Kangseok Lee* vol.61,No.2,2023 211-220
7 Secretions from Serratia marcescens Inhibit the Growth and Biofilm Formation of Candida spp. and Cryptococcus neoformans Caiyan Xin1, Fen Wang2, Jinping Zhang1,3, Quan Zhou1, Fangyan Liu1, Chunling Zhao1*, and Zhangyong Song1,3* vol.61,No.2,2023 221-232
8 Alpha‑Hemolysin from Staphylococcus aureus Obstructs Yeast‑Hyphae Switching and Diminishes Pathogenicity in Candida albicans Xiaoyu Yu1*, Yinhe Mao2, Guangbo Li1, Xianwei Wu2, Qiankun Xuan1, Simin Yang1, Xiaoqing Chen2, Qi Cao3, Jian Guo1, Jinhu Guo4, and Wenjuan Wu1* vol.61,No.2,2023 233-243
9 Gut Lactobacillus and Probiotics Lactobacillus lactis/rhamnosis Ameliorate Liver Fibrosis in Prevention and Treatment Sung Min Won1, Na Young Lee1, Ki‑Kwang Oh1, Haripriya Gupta1, Satya Priya Sharma1, Kyung Hwan Kim2, Byoung Kook Kim2, Hyun Chae Joung2, Jin Ju Jeong1, Raja Ganesan1, Sang Hak Han3, Sang Jun Yoon1, Dong Joon Kim1, and Ki Tae Suk1* vol.61,No.2,2023 245-257
10 Varicella‑Zoster Virus ORF39 Transmembrane Protein Suppresses Interferon‑Beta Promoter Activation by Interacting with STING Gwang Myeong Lee1, Shuang Gong1, Seong‑Wook Seo2, Hyemin Ko1, Woo‑Chang Chung1, Jihyun Lee1, Ok Sarah Shin2*, and Jin‑Hyun Ahn1,3* vol.61,No.2,2023 259-270
11 Erratum to: Physiological roles of catalases Cat1 and Cat2 in Myxococcus xanthus Yoshio Kimura*, Yuri Yoshioka, and Kie Toshikuni vol.61,No.2,2023 271-271